Larry Wheels Smokes 150-Lb Incline Dumbbell Bench Press for 25 Reps, Shares Ripped Update

Larry Wheels continues to make strides inside the gym ahead of his anticipated bodybuilding debut in the Classic Physique division. In a recent Instagram post, Wheels demolished 25 reps of 150-pound incline dumbbell bench press and then revealed an impressive physique update.
At just 28 years old, Larry Wheels’ strength and athletic abilities have seen him test the waters of different sports such as strongman, powerlifting, arm wrestling, and bodybuilding. And while he set his sights on a strongman return last year, Larry was forced to remove his name from the 2022 Middle East’s Strongest Man roster due to a back injury.
Last August, Wheels made a bold choice: he quit all performance-enhancing drugs and switched to only testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). He’s been honest with fans about the transition, having kept a record of his mental health, physical health, strength, and endurance while relying on TRT alone. Despite giving up a handful of compounds, Larry says his strength and moods haven’t fluctuated much since making the change.
Larry admits he was headed down a dark path nearly a decade ago when he dabbled in recreational drugs. He was introduced to TRT at 17 years old and said it saved him from experimenting further with elicit substances. Though, Wheels understands that PEDs can have a negative impact on the body as well. He showed off a photo comparison of himself using TRT versus the peak of his steroid use. The results left Wheels surprised at how the compounds seemingly aged his face.
In a change of pace, Wheels decided to dedicate his workout efforts solely to bodybuilding. Back in March, the popular influencer announced his plan to compete on stage. According to Wheels, he currently has enough size but will need to cut around 20 pounds to make the limit for Classic Physique. Looking ahead, Wheels believes he has what it takes to be competitive with some of the top names in the category.
Larry Wheels Smashes Workout, Shares Latest Physique Update
You can find Larry Wheels’ 150-pound incline dumbbell bench press video below:
Changing the rep from 1-5 reps to now 8-25 has really helped my develop fullness in my chest. I stopped doing flat bench to create a better balance. I only do flat once in a blue moon now
Red and black wraps from @teampersonalrecord” Larry Wheels wrote.

In a special interview on Bradley Martyn’s Raw Talk Podcast, Wheels discussed potentially competing against the four-time Classic Physique Olympia king Chris Bumstead. While Larry tried out the Open class years ago in 2018, he mentioned that he was simply too small for the division. He doesn’t believe his size will hold him back in Classic Physique, however. And Larry’s coach is a believer. He told Wheels that he’d be competitive with top names in the category using only TRT recently.
Considering his steady physique updates and training sessions, Larry is determined to leave his mark on another sport. Wheels isn’t the only strongman veteran amid a physique transformation either. Eddie Hall, the 2017 World’s Strongest Man, has also announced his foray into the sport.
With a pair of strongmen eying the Classic Physique division, perhaps this is the start of a new trend. Regardless of his future ambitions, fans are happy to see Larry Wheels looking youthful, healthy, and energetic.