Larry Wheels Sets Deadlift PR With 7 Reps of 347kg

Larry Wheels has continued his work in the gym by setting another PR.
Larry Wheels has been putting in some serious work in the gym in recent months. We know this because he shares frequently on social media displaying different lifts and personal records. This continued on Monday as Wheels set a new PR performing seven reps of 347kg (765lb) deadlifts.
Wheels stepped over the weight wearing a lifting belt and straps. He performed the first four reps with ease before struggling a bit with No. 5. Wheels was able to power through two more reps to make a total of seven. Wheels posted the entire set on Instagram.
“765/347 x7 rep PR. Haven’t deadlifted in 2 months. Rest can do wonders!
Lifting straps SWIPE
This is not the first PR that Larry Wheels has achieved in recent weeks. On Oct. 29, he performed 17 shoulder press reps with a 140-pound dumbbell in each hand. Just weeks before that, Wheels set a new PR with a 950-pound squat. Now, Wheels has taken on deadlifts, which is something he has not been doing recently. This record squat came before he suffered a quad injury and was forced to take some time off.
In the caption with the video, Wheels shares that he has not deadlifted in two months. He credits the needed rest for being able to pull off a feat such as this. This is important for Wheels given the fact that he has suffered his fair share of injuries over the years. He felt as strong as ever attempting this set of deadlifts after the time off.
Larry Wheels has been injured in the past performing deadlifts. This came earlier in the year when he was hurt while moving an enormous weight back to the floor. At the Strong Gym in Dubai, Wheels completed three reps of 387kg (855lb), which is another PR of his. While performing a backdown set, Wheels strained his back on the way down.
While Wheels set a new PR with seven reps, this was not his all-time heaviest deadlift. That came with a single rep of 419kg (924lb).
Larry Wheels has turned into a PR monster who is always trying to improve his numbers in the gym. It is always exciting to wait and see which lifts he takes on next.
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