Kevin Faires

270 LBS
Kevin Faires is a strongman representing the United States. Kevin has been rising up the professional strongman ranks and has competed at World’s Strongest Man twice. He is one of the “smaller” competitors in the world of strongman but enjoys the challenge of going up against the bigger guys in the sport. Kevin works in the construction business working with fire suppression systems where he installs pipe for sprinklers in commercial buildings. When he was younger, before getting into strongman, he played football, baseball and wrestled. In 2007, Kevin experienced an unfortunate turn of events when he was accidentally run over by a car. After being hospitalized for 10 days, he didn’t think he would be as athletic as he used to. It took Kevin over 1 year to get back to 80% and now he is ranked as one of the top strongmen in the world.
Notable Strongman Accomplishments:
-2 time World’s Strongest Man competitior
-2020 World’s Strongest Man Finalist (7th place)