Keone Pearson Shares Physique Update 6 Weeks Out, Squats Over 800Lbs

Keone Pearson looks beastly six weeks out.
Six weeks out from competition, Keone Pearson looks amazing. The 212 bodybuilder has shown some drastic improvements to his physique since last competing. His incredible genetics have taken him far in his bodybuilding career, and now he’s applying intelligent and hard training to take his physique to the next level.
With the Texas and Tampa Pro shows both around the corner, Keone Pearson hopes to qualify for the 2022 Olympia. While he has always looked impressive, it appears that Pierson has put on a considerable amount of muscle ahead of the shows. The former classic physique competitor has taken the switch to 212 very seriously. We can see that Pearson has developed even more muscle than he ever had in his previous weight class.
Ahead of his return to the stage, Keone Pearson has shared some incredible physique updates. While he may remain self-deprecating, it’s clear that Pearson has made some drastic improvements. With six weeks to go until competition, Pearson will no doubt continue to fine tune his physique ahead of the Texas and Tampa Pro.
In the Instagram post below, you can see that Pearson has an incredible V taper that is looking quite sharp. In the post, he says that he’s flat though he clearly looks nothing but.
Nothing pleasing here.
Just a flat man standing. No flex this morning.
Other recent updates showcased just how massive Keone Pearson is looking these days. The post below showcases some pretty incredible arm development from Pearson. He is looking absolutely massive six weeks out.
Working on my best version ??
Massive Squat
Perhaps his most impressive feat in his recent training camp is squat over 800lbs. Keone Pearson is clearly playing for keeps and is hungry for the Olympia stage.
Make sure you’re working harder everyday to get better . Remaining the same will only hold you back.
What do you think of Keone Pearson and his latest physique update?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.