Juan Morel Sets Intensions for 2022 and 2023, Vows to Get Shredded

Juan Morel sets intentions for 2022 and 2023.
After some time away from the stage Juan Morel has set intentions for a return to form in 2022. The veteran bodybuilder took to Instagram to speak on his extended off time and what he wishes to accomplish in the new year.
In this day and age it’s all go, go, go. So many individuals believe that pushing themselves nonstop is the key to success. In one way this is undoubtedly true. In order to achieve a goal you have to continue at it, keep working consistently and be determined and disciplined. But some times, when success has been achieved, taking time to relax and recover is genuinely necessary. But sometimes relaxation can go a bit too far. That’s where Juan Morel recently found himself.
A veteran pro who’s been competing for well over ten years, Juan Morel has constantly been in training camp. Morel has competed at show after show over the years. That is until he took time away from competition.
After coming in 16th place at the 2020 Olympia Juan Morel has taken a break from competition. The veteran bodybuilder decided to take some time off from the stage. But while he’s enjoyed his downtime, complete with eating tons of cookies apparently, Morel has declared that he’s ready to jump back into action.
Declaration of Shred
In a recent post to Instagram Juan Morel stated his intentions for not only 2022 but potentially 2023 as well.
Here is my goal for 2022 is to get back in shape and getting ripped.
I have not been following any type of diet. It has been more of whatever I get my hands on and 95 percent of the time it’s cookies haha. And I’m not complaining it has been the best diet to follow ??
But I want to get back to looking shredded so comes New Years it will be time to cut down from 4-5 cookies a day to just on the weekend.
And before you guys ask am I going to compete 2022 well that answer to that is if I can get in a schedule that allows me to train the way I need to get back in competitive shape that YES. if I can’t find the time and I’m to busy I won’t be competing. The good thing is I’m still young only 39 and if I don’t compete 2022 there is always 2023.
Juan Morel has always been a top bodybuilder. At 39 years of age he still has some time to get in lean and shredded form. Perhaps he can draw inspiration from Dexter Jackson.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.