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Jake Paul Knocks Out Ben Askren in the First Round!


Jake Paul and Ben Askren went to battle.

We now live in a world where Jake Paul and Ben Askren locked horns. It was certainly a shock and surprise to actually see these two go to battle. The brash, young, social media star stepped inside the squared circle with a veteran MMA fighter in Askren. So how did it play out?

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When the fight between Jake Paul and Ben Askren was first announced there was a bit of a collective groan from the combat sports world. But as time has passed the idea between the veteran MMA and UFC competitors facing off with a load mouth social media star has picked up steam. Now we’ve finally gotten an opportunity to see them throw down.

The stare down at the weigh in was interesting to say the least. Namely it was interesting because Jake Paul brought out his best Conor McGregor impression. Ben Askren seemed unfazed.

From the start the idea of this bout was a bit intriguing. Jake Paul, for all his bluster and trash talk has some legitimate boxing ability. Ben Askren is a pure wrestler with years of experience in MMA competition. Even with the experience though, without wrestling as a tool many wondered how Askren would fair in a pure boxing match. Now we know the answer.

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Jake Paul defeated Ben Askren by knockout.

It was a bit of an early stoppage by some people’s estimation. Did you tune into Jake Paul vs Ben Askren? Do you think it was an early stoppage?

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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