Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

Instagram Athlete of the Week – Joey Swoll


Instagram Athlete of the Week – Joey Swoll

Joey Swoll is one of the most popular Instagram fitness celebrities. Swoll has a great physique, thanks to his small waist, broad shoulders and small joints. Joey is also one of the goofiest people on the gram.

Peptide Store

Joey Sergo aka Joey Joey Swoll maintains his ripped conditioning throughout the year. You need to follow Joey on Instagram if you often find yourself falling short of motivation to train. You’ll find yourself coming to Swoll’s feed to see what he is up to.

Joey Swoll – The Instagram Star

Please read.?? #HUMPDAYMOTIVATION As a kid, I never liked having my shirt off in photos. I was bullied constantly. I had big buck teeth, glasses, a bird chest, and a sternum that stuck out and many people around me not so kindly reminded me every single damn day of just how ugly I was. Today I would happily walk naked thru Times Square with a big smile on my face (until they arrest me ?). I discovered the gym and my body just happened to grow into those big teeth that, along with my former “bird chest”, have been on the cover of magazines, on TV, hung up on walls, and seen by millions and millions of my followers everyday for inspiration. More importantly, I learned to love myself. I realized what happiness in life truly was, and regardless of other people’s opinions or hate, I’m blessed and have EVERY reason and more to smile each and everyday!

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Joey regularly shares his story with his followers. Swoll’s timeline is a paradise for bodybuilding fans and avid readers alike. Joey shares food for thought through his posts which can change your perspective on many things.

Swoll’s big muscles aren’t just to show for, he can move big weights too. You’ll hardly ever see him perform exercises with a bad form which makes his videos good how-to guides.

We told you Joey can be a goof, didn’t we? How many other bodybuilders do you know who are comfortable making a fool of themselves? Swoll will keep you entertained with his workouts and funny videos. Joey is full of energy and isn’t a gym bro.

The Adventures of Joey Swoll

Swoll isn’t your typical gym rat, you’ll find him having fun outdoors. Joey breaks the stereotype that all bodybuilders are bulky and their bodies are non-functional. Swoll has great mobility and can perform back flips like they are nothing.

Swoll is a part of the big boy club and is friends with some very successful and famous people. Joey isn’t confined to a bodybuilding diet and goes out of the way every once in a while to have some fun.

Joey Swoll gained a lot of fans during his time with Shredz and got good traction for the Shredz movement. He started parting from the company after the Devin Physique controversy sparked up.

Do You Even Cheat, Bro?

Joey Swoll loves his cheat meals. Swoll believes it’s important that you put some bad fuel (junk food) into your body so your body has to fight it to digest it. Eating cheat meals helps improve your metabolism.

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RYSE THE FU*K UP @ryse_supps . At RYSE®, it is our mission to fuel your greatness, no matter how gritty, long, and challenging your rise to success may be. . We’d all like to meet our best self one day. It’s not always easy to become that person. Nothing great ever is. But one thing is universal: the best outcomes arise from the most difficult challenges. . We are here for the fighters, for those who don’t take no for an answer. We’re here for the self-taught, for the self-made, and the self-reliant: for those who rise above their own expectations. . We are here to fuel your come-up story, and we’re in your corner telling you to get back on your feet with products that are pure, powerful, and proven to work. We don’t sell shortcuts; we just make the long road ahead as productive as possible. . Let @ryse_supps FUEL YOUR GREATNESS and workouts! Click link in bio to order now @joeyswoll!

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Joey Swoll has started his own supplement company, Ryse. His company has partnered with the UFC superstar, Conor McGregor. Swoll also owns the apparel brand called THTM (Train Harder Than Me).

Family Guy

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PLEASE READ. ?? #thanksforbeingmydad Posting this #TBT because this truly is one of my favorite moments of my life that still gives me chills, and as my father heads into heart surgery next week, I want to ask all of you to please, please pray for him. You always hear people talk about idolizing some movie star, an athlete, social media celebrity, or some billionaire business mogul. NOT ME. My inspirations, my idols, MY HEROES, the ones who I look up to most in life and always will, are my parents and God. Period. Every time I see this video it reminds me of why I work so hard in the first place, and why the sleepless nights and sacrifices I’ve made and continue to make are more than worth it for moments like this. This was the second time in my life I’ve ever seen my father cry as he sat in the car for the first time. My father to me, to my family, and to many who’ve met him, is the greatest man alive. I truly hope that one day for my own family I can be 1/10 the father he is to us. About 15 years ago my father bought a brand new Chevrolet Impala which he immediately fell in love with. Not long after buying it, he was t-boned by a drunk driver that ran a red light totaling the car in the accident putting him in the hospital. The driver was a young kid with no insurance, no license, nothing. My dad lost the car, medical bills piled up, and soon after he lost his job too as the company moved overseas to “save money”. Since then for years he drove an old broke down beat up Chevy with no air conditioning and said, “if I ever win the lotto I’m getting another Impala. I loved that car”. And I mean he LOVED that car. So did I! I used to steal it at night to go to the gym while he slept for work at 4 AM! It drove him crazy! I told myself, when I become successful, not if, but WHEN, I’m buying my father that car. After years and years of hard work and sacrifice, I was able to give my father, the man I love and admire most in this world, exactly what he’s wanted for so long, his dream car. My hope is that all of you are able to do the same for your parents or someone you love one day. It truly is the best feeling, words can’t even describe it!

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This video and the story behind it will make you fall in love with Joey Swoll. Swoll keeps surprising his family with gifts and experiences. Joey is a guy who thinks about everyone around him, his family, friends, and fans.

Joey Swoll preaches the importance of family and spending time with them. The video above is a reminder we all should have some fun family time. The kids surely would be stoked to have their ‘Swoll’ uncle play with me.

A couple which works out together stays together. Doing things together strengthens a relationship and Swoll practices this. Maybe it’s time you ask your girl to lift with you.

Do you include cheat meals in your diet?

*Header image courtesy of Instagram

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