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IFBB Pittsburgh Pro 2021 Results


The Pittsburgh Pro 2021 brings in the first Olympia qualifying event of the season.

The Pittsburgh Pro is one of the biggest events of the year – largely due to being the home location of NPC and IFBB Pro president Jim Manion. Unfortunately, the hype behind this year’s show was a bit muted due to the ongoing pandemic across the world.

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Much like last year, the 2021 pro bodybuilding season has gotten off to a slower start due to pandemic. The Arnold Classic 2021 was postponed (planned to now take place in September) – which usually is the first big event to bring in the pro season in earnest.

But that shouldn’t take away from the pro competitors who battle on stage for the Pittsburgh trophy. This event is the first IFBB Pro show of 2021 to qualify for the Olympia 2021. With five divisions all battling it out for the top spots – including the newly introduced Wellness division.

The Pittsburgh Pro 2021 results are now in and you can check it out below:

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IFBB Pittsburgh Pro 2021 Results

Classic Physique Results

1. Divine Master
2. Sabur Favors
3. Dmitrii Vorotyntsev

Men’s Physique Results

1. Kryon Holden
2. Raymont Edmonds
3. Erin Banks

Figure Results

1. Maria Luisa Dias Pereira
2. Christine Stearns
3. Heather Dees

Bikini Results

1. Ashley Kaltwasser
2. Alessia Facchin
3. Lauren Dannenmiller

Wellness Results

1. Angela Borges
2. Yarishna Ayala
3. Amanda Rezende

That wraps up the IFBB Pittsburgh Pro 2021 results! Make sure to check out our full IFBB Pro results page from this year and previous years right here to catch up on any action you may have missed!

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