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Hunter Labrada Looks Sharp and Impressive 13 Weeks Out From Chicago Pro


Hunter Labrada is looking impressive 13 weeks out from Chicago Pro.

Hunter Labrada has the potential to dominate Men’s Open Bodybuilding. While he still may be green compared to the other veterans, Hunter already possesses the kind of physique that could make him a top 10 threat. In fact 13 weeks out from the Chicago Pro, Hunter Labrada is already looking stage ready.

The son of the great Lee Labrada, Hunter has the kind of physique that is Olympia worthy. While he has certainly shown potential in the past, few could have guessed that Hunter would look so impressive in his debut show. He also acquitted himself well in his Olympia debut.

Despite being 13 weeks out from his next show, the Chicago Pro, Hunter Labrada is looking pretty exceptional. In his most recent post to social media Labrada detailed his training, diet, and just about everything else in the lead up to his next show.

13 weeks out. The coolest thing to me when looking at these is knowing how many bullets I have left in the gun. Zero minutes of cardio, still in a caloric surplus, no fat burners, and no fun stuff yet? truly feel like I could be ready in 6 weeks if I needed to be, so get ready to watch me grow into the show.

Last weeks fasted weight: 274

This morning: 266

Nutrition: after coming down 8 pounds in 7 days from eliminating fruit juices, rice crispies, and pop tarts, we decided to run what we got for another 5 days and then go from there. With how high the food is still, there’s no way it was any tissue that came off, it was definitely that initial water/inflammation from eliminating junk/sugars.

Training: couldn’t be going better! Have hit several lifetime pr’s in the last 10 days, and I expect my strength to be going up considerably in the coming weeks so that will be fun. Couldn’t be more excited to be in the all new gym at @labradanutrition this coming week! Lots of videos to come on that, I promise!

Cardio: none. Weights coming down just fine right now, and all of my health markers are well within check.

Hunter Labrada looks absolutely incredible heading into the Chicago Pro. That said, he’ll have some tough competition to contend with at the show. Will he be able to come out on top and secure a second trip to the Olympia stage?

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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