How To Gain Muscle Fast: The 12 Most Effective & Proven Tips

Every individual on this planet would gladly embrace the opportunity to effortlessly achieve instant muscle gains. However, life isn’t so easy.
Most gyms have an individual who has been lifting for several months, if not years, but cannot seem to move the needle in the right direction. Also, most lifters cancel their gym cards without achieving their goal physique.
Although most exercisers want a muscular physique for its aesthetic benefits, there is more to it than meets the eye. Building a jacked physique improves your overall strength, functionality, and athletic performance. It also reduces your risk of falls, improves brain health, boosts self-confidence, and promotes a better quality of life. [1][2]
Many newbies think advanced lifters are hoarding secrets that unlock super gains, such as if you read a certain Bible verse just before starting a workout, you’ll be blessed with the physique of your dreams. This is one of the reasons why beginners are always asking for ‘tips’ and ‘tricks’ from much bigger and jacked dudes.
We are sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but this assumption is only partly true. Yes, only partly. There are bodybuilding secrets that only the elite know. However, it is about to change with this article. Also, if you are wondering, reading a Biblical verse before a workout doesn’t do much. (I’ve tried it.)
In this article, we go over the factors that influence muscle gain and the most effective tips to gain muscle mass fast. We also uncover how much time you must expect to wait before seeing noticeable changes and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this subject. We have a lot to cover, so let’s get right into it.
Factors Influencing Muscle Gains
Several factors determine how quickly you can gain muscle mass. While some are under your control, others cannot be modified. However, it doesn’t mean you cannot gain muscle or speed up your bulking progress. Fine-tuning these factors can get you to your dream physique in a record time. Furthermore, the 12 tips for gaining muscle mass can be clubbed under these factors.
Genetic factors play a crucial role in your transformation program. Your genetics determine your body composition, structure, height, weight, and how much muscle mass you will gain in a particular time.
Genetically superior lifters will gain muscle mass and strength faster than their counterparts. However, folks that were left behind in the genetic lottery shouldn’t hang their heads low. You can make the most of what you’ve got by following an effective diet and training regimen.
Related: Bad Chest Genetics and How To Build a Barrel Chest
Hormonal Balance
An individual’s hormonal balance can turn the tide of muscle and strength gains in his favor. Folks with a generous level of natural testosterone production are better positioned to make muscular and strength gains.
High natural test production is the reason the ladies do not gain as much muscle mass as the men. Most steroids are synthetic versions of testosterone that boost your T-levels and muscle-building potential.
Other hormones that influence muscle gain include growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Notably, you must avoid tweaking your hormone levels using supplements or gear, as it can have long-term health implications.
Building muscle becomes more difficult with age as your natural testosterone levels decline. The decline in the muscle-building potential for both genders starts to occur after 40.
Although gaining muscle mass will become more complex with age, you can hold onto your gains by working hard in the gym and following a balanced diet. Folks who engage in strength training usually hold onto their muscle mass longer than untrained elderlies.
Muscle Memory
Muscle memory is often overlooked while discussing the speed at which an individual can gain muscle mass. If you are a gym regular, you’ve encountered a person who seems to have undergone an astonishing transformation practically overnight. No, these folks don’t have a version of The Vita-Ray Chamber that Steve Rogers used to transform into Captain America in their basement. Muscle memory hit them like a lightning bolt.
Do some digging, and you’ll find that these folks had a decent physique back in the day and have just recently resumed training. It is much easier for a person to regain muscle mass than for a new lifter to build it. This is why you should never compete with anyone at your gym; you never know where they are coming from. Trying to keep up with them can lead to burning out or, even worse, an injury.
Experienced lifters will start seeing positive results within a couple of weeks after returning to their tried and tested diet and training program. In contrast, newbies should expect to spend 12-16 weeks adhering to a strict fitness routine before they achieve noticeable gains.
Related: Muscle Memory For Bodybuilding – How to Use It to Regain Lost Muscle
Training, Nutrition, and Recovery Program
This is a no-brainer. Your gains will depend on the effectiveness of your workout, diet, and recovery program. You cannot expect to build muscle mass while overlooking any of these areas.
Furthermore, you must be patient and consistent with your transformation journey to reap the fruits of your labor. Some people overlook their recovery to gain muscle fast; however, this can negatively affect their growth potential, lead to a muscle and strength plateau, and increase their risk of injury.
Your lifestyle plays a significant role in determining how fast you can transform your body. Do you prefer the stairs over the lift? How often do you work out? Do you use a standing desk at work or sit on a chair for most of the day? And finally, do you prep your meals in advance or go out to your favorite fast food restaurant whenever you are starving? These factors will determine how quickly you shed body fat and build muscle.
12 Best Tips on How To Gain Muscle Fast
Spoiler alert: We do not have steroids on this list. All the tips mentioned in this article are WADA-approved (World Anti-Doping Agency) and will help you achieve a jacked and shredded physique while improving your overall health and well-being.
Without further ado, here are the 12 best tips for how to gain muscle fast:
Start with a Goal
Starting their transformation journey without a goal is the first mistake most people make. You must set SMART goals to speed up your results and get the best bang for your buck. SMART goals are:
- S: Specific
- M: Measurable
- A: Attainable
- R: Relevant
- T: Time-Bound
For example, “build muscle mass” is not a SMART goal. Instead, your goal should be to “build 2 pounds of muscle mass in a month.”
Furthermore, your muscle-building goals will also change depending on your training style. Bodybuilders that train for hypertrophy can expect better muscle-building results than CrossFitters who juggle multiple things.
No, this is not a jab at CrossFitters. It is just that you should be aware of the results you can expect and the difference between different training styles.
Use a Personalized Training Program
Most lifters make the mistake of following a cookie-cutter training program. Not only does this return poor results, but it also wastes a lot of time, effort, energy, and money. Each individual is different and will react to different training programs uniquely.
Owing to a lack of knowledge, many folks with a lagging lower body end up following a training regimen designed for a lifter with a weak upper body. An ideal training program will bring up your lagging muscle groups and polish your strengths.
Furthermore, you must follow a balanced training regimen to speed up your muscle gains. Your workouts should have a balance of compound and isolation lifts. Compound movements will help build muscle mass and strength, whereas isolation exercises will improve your conditioning.
In contrast to the popular practice, you should not eliminate cardio training from your muscle-building training program. Cardio exercises will help lower your body fat, which will improve your muscle definition.
Related: Build Your Program: How to Design the Perfect Training Plan
Work With a Coach
Most people try to do everything on their own in their muscle-building program. Using an expert’s help can speed up your gains by significantly shortening your learning curve. A personal trainer will give you a personalized training program to suit your needs. Plus, he can help avoid injuries by showing you the correct exercise form.
Also, seeking the help of a registered nutritionist can help you lose body fat and build muscle mass. Getting your training and nutritionist to work together can skyrocket your results. Hiring a diet and training coach might cost you a little money upfront but will pay dividends in the long run.
Eat More Calories
Sticking to your regular diet after starting a training program can help with body recomposition. It can result in fat loss and toned muscles. However, you shouldn’t expect significant muscle gains while sticking to the same diet.
You must enter a calorie surplus to build muscle mass, meaning you must eat more calories in a day than you expend. Eating a surplus of 500-1,000 calories daily can result in gaining 1-2 pounds weekly. [3]
However, you must ensure that the additional calories come from nutrient-dense whole foods. Eating empty calories can have counterproductive results as it can lead to a gain in body fat.
Nail Your Nutrition
After determining your daily caloric intake, you must follow a suitable macronutrient (carbs, protein, and fat) split to optimize muscle gains. Follow a high-protein and high-carb diet to gain muscle fast.
Focus on splitting your protein intake into equal quantities throughout the day to boost your recovery and build muscle mass. Furthermore, consume a carb-rich meal two to three hours before a workout to ensure you have enough energy stores to get you through a grueling workout.
Incorporate Progressive Overload Into Your Training
Most people experience muscle and strength plateaus during their muscle-building campaigns. These stagnations result from following the same training routine for a prolonged period. You must constantly challenge your muscles by switching up your training regimen. It will keep your muscles guessing and help you avoid a plateau.
Progressive overload involves gradually increasing the intensity of your strength training routine. You could do it by increasing the weight, frequency, number of sets and repetitions, or time under tension.
Contrary to what most lifters believe, you don’t always need to train to failure to achieve hypertrophy. Pushing your muscles to failure in each exercise can lead to overtraining, which can set you back on your muscle-building goals.
Use Advanced Training Techniques
Advanced training techniques are a progressive overload method. However, they deserve individual recognition. Using advanced training techniques such as super sets, drop sets, and intraset techniques can help ignite muscle growth, as they put your muscles under significant stress.
You can include two advanced training techniques (ATT) in a single workout. Notably, you don’t need to use an ATT in every exercise, as it can lead to muscle exhaustion and overtraining. Beginners should seek expert guidance while using these methods to limit their risk of injury and optimize their performance and results.
Train Each Muscle Group Multiple Times a Week
If you want to build bigger, fuller, and rounder muscles, you should train them multiple times a week. The more often you stimulate your muscles, the more opportunities they have to adapt to a higher workload, which can help them grow bigger and stronger.
Your training frequency will depend on your experience level. Beginners who follow a low-intensity full-body training regimen can train each muscle group up to thrice weekly. However, advanced lifters following a high-intensity regimen should limit their weekly workout frequency to two sessions per muscle group.
Switch Your Training Routine Frequently
Staying glued to the same training regimen for a prolonged period can lead to diminishing results. You must consistently change your training style to keep your muscle guessing and avoid hitting an overhead ceiling. Besides switching training programs, changing training approaches can also be an effective technique for building muscle mass.
For example, if you’ve been following a bodybuilding program for an extended period, you could switch to a CrossFit program for improved metabolic conditioning, which can boost your muscle definition.
That said, you shouldn’t switch your training regimen too often, as it can lead to subpar results. Give your training regimen between 12-15 weeks to work its magic before trying a new workout program.
Focus on Your Recovery
Irrespective of how hard you train in the gym, you cannot make the necessary gains until you give your muscle enough time to recover. Remember, you break muscle tissue in the gym. They grow back bigger and stronger outside the gym, especially while you’re sleeping.
Feel free to take a day off if you feel sore from your workouts. Pushing too hard without proper rest can lead to overtraining and increase your risk of injury. Furthermore, you could use self-myofascial release, massages, and cold plunges to speed up your recovery.
Although supplements are not necessary for building muscle, they can help you on your journey to a more aesthetically appealing physique. Furthermore, supplements are a godsend for people who cannot meet their macronutrient needs through nutrient-dense whole foods.
Pre-workout, Whey protein, creatine, and BCAA supplements are all you need to build muscle mass. However, take this with a grain of salt as the optimal supplements for you can change depending on your current physique and training objective.
Track and Monitor Progress
You must track and monitor your progress to keep yourself accountable. Having a SMART goal is like racing against the clock. It will push you to do your best and surpass expectations. You could track your progress using photos, taking body measurements, and keeping a training journal where you record your exercises, sets, reps, weights, and the RPE (rate of perceived exertion).
Sharing your goals and progress with your family, friends, and coaches will keep you accountable. Furthermore, it can motivate your near and dear ones to join you and work towards their best self.
Gaining muscle mass and strength requires time, patience, consistency, and determination. You should be willing to stick to your training goal for a long period. It doesn’t end here. You must work just as hard to maintain your gains.
How Much Muscle Can I Gain and By When Can I Expect Results?

The rate at which you gain muscle mass and the expected time before you can see noticeable results will depend on several factors, including your genetics, age, gender, hormone levels, training, diet, recovery program, and lifestyle. Further, your commitment and adherence to the 12 tips mentioned in this article will dictate your results.
Most people can expect to build between 0.5 to 2 pounds (0.22 to 0.9 kilograms) of muscle in a month. That said, the amount of muscle you gain in a month isn’t necessarily the same as the gain in numbers you see on the weighing scale. The uptick in your weight could be the result of a combination of water weight, muscle mass, and fat build-up. [4]
Building muscle mass isn’t as simple as it might sound. It requires stressing your muscle fibers to a point where they must adapt and grow bigger and stronger to handle the load. Your body does this by building or recruiting more muscle fibers, increasing their density and numbers.
Furthermore, the amount of muscle mass a beginner can gain will vary from what an advanced lifter can accomplish. Beginners initially experience quick and significant muscle gains; however, their rate of growth tapers as they gain more experience.
Lifters can boost their muscle and strength gains with high-intensity training. On the flip side, their gains might tank if they decrease their training frequency, volume, or intensity.
What is the fastest way to gain muscle mass?
A lot goes into building muscle mass. It is a combination of several things. You cannot build muscle mass by tweaking one thing in your daily routine, let alone doing it quickly. Following the 12 tips mentioned in this article will help fast-track your muscle-building progress.
How much muscle mass can I gain in a week?
It depends on several factors, including your genetics, current fitness level, nutrition, training program, and recovery. That said, an average untrained individual can gain around 0.25-0.5 pounds (0.1-0.2 kilograms) of muscle mass per week. However, this rate decreases as you gain more experience and approach your genetic potential.
Can I gain muscle without entering a calorie surplus?
Weight training while sticking to your original diet can help achieve body recomposition and a well-toned and sculpted physique. However, you must enter a calorie surplus and eat a protein-rich diet to build muscle mass.
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
The 12 muscle-building tips mentioned in this article are backed by science and endorsed by fitness experts and athletes. The quickness of your gains depends on several factors, including your genetics, current fitness level, nutrition, training program, and recovery.
Remember, building muscle mass and strength is not a sprint but a marathon. Gaining quality muscle mass can take time and demand commitment and patience. Pushing too hard too soon can lead to excess fat gain and increase your risk of injury. You must stick to your guns when the going gets tough. Focus on improving in each workout, and the results will follow. Best of luck!
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