How To Deadlift Without Passing Out

Don’t fall face first into the weights.
We’ve all seen it before. Guys passing out from doing heavy deadlifts. It’s a phenomenon that has left many viewers holding their ribs in mind numbing laughter while leaving others scratching their heads. What the hell causes that to happen in the first place? Is it the mental stress of performing the lift or is there some other cause behind this strange occurrence?
When you’ve been lifting for a long time you’ll notice that guys in the gym usually tend to train the deadlift considerably less than they do the bench and the squat. At least they do when they start going heavy. The amount of stress benching and squatting puts on the body pales in comparison to how much deadlifts can take out of you. So what makes deads so different than the others?
Well for one, because of the nature of the lift, the fact that it’s a pulling exercise, the lifter is able to haul more weight than what you’d expect out of the bench and the squat. If you took a look at your own numbers you’d probably realize that your deadlift is in some cases double the amount of what you bench. It’s the reason deadlifts are trained 3 to 4 times a month as opposed to being apart of a lifters typical back routine 3 to 4 times a week.
Despite the fact that deadlifts are awesome for back gains they’ve proven to be dangerous. Here are some tips that every lifter should consider when performing this powerful exercise.
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1. The effect on the central nervous system
The stress that deadlifts put on the central nervous system is substantial. Performing the lift successfully can be a daunting task and be taxing both physically and mentally. You’re lifting the bar from a static position which requires the lifter to generate a substantial amount of strength. Be mindful of the amount of stress you’re putting your body under.
2. Rest Periods
Recovery is also paramount to performing this exercise consistently and frequently. Rest intervals are important to build up enough strength to perform the action again and if you rush things you can find yourself passing out from the sheer fatigue and pressure.
3. Be mentally prepared
It may seem a bit self explanatory, getting your head in the game to perform a heavy lift, but it’s essential that when you’re performing the deadlift that your mind is completely focused on the task. Where performing a back squat virtually depends on you completing the action or being crushed under the barbell’s weight, the deadlift requires you to do the lift from a static position. You’re mind forces you to complete the squat or face serious injury giving you a mental edge. When you perform the deadlift you have to approach the bar with a positive attitude and the mental fortitude to not just try and lift the bar, but know that you’ll lift it without a doubt in your mind.
The deadlift can be mentally and physically taxing, but if you have an iron will and play things smart then you’ll be performing the deadlift with ease in no time. While there is no sure fire miracle tip that will 100% prevent you from passing out – keep these three key elements in mind every time you go into the deadlift.
What are your thoughts on the deadlift? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.