How Flex Lewis Works Out For Huge Gains & Recovers With CBD

This Flex Lewis workout will give you a great pump for serious growth with CBD as your ultimate recovery tool.
Flex Lewis is a Welsh bodybuilder with a number of titles to his name. He is a 7-time winner of Olympia 212 and has a first place finish at the 2014 Arnold Classic 212 as well. Knowing what is needed to perform at a high level, Flex uses CBD supplements in tandem with his workouts to see the best growth possible.
When it comes to getting a great workout, it can be tough to find the right exercises to do. We all know what we want, but getting there can be the biggest struggle. While many fitness influencers and other social media personalities claim to have the missing link to your bodybuilding success, there’s no better place to look than to the pros for your workout. Not only are these top athletes in the best of shape, but they are living proof of what these gains can do for your overall physique. They are also good role models for us to follow as clear examples of hard work and dedication with a good workout plan.
Flex Lewis is certainly a great influence to take notes from as he’s been there and done it all before.
Full Name: James “Flex” Lewis | ||
Weight | Height | Date Of Birth |
225-235 lbs. | 5’5’’ | 11/15/1983 |
Division | Era | Nationality |
Men’s 212 | 2000, 2010 | Welsh |
With grueling workouts comes the need to take your recovery as seriously as possible. Flex Lewis works out for sheer strength and size, but also knows how beneficial CBD can be to boost all his gains.
About Flex Lewis
James “Flex” Lewis is a Welsh IFBB pro bodybuilder who has won seven Mr. Olympia titles in the Men’s 212 Division consecutively. As a real force in the pro bodybuilding circuit, Lewis spent years perfecting his strength and power which ultimately led him to being one of the best in the world. With over 28 professional contest wins, he has become one of the greatest bodybuilders to leave the UK. While his early career saw its fair share of struggles, he made a name for himself in the UK and has since made his claim as a top bodybuilder in the world, staking his claim as a real Mr. Olympia 212 champion to date and one of the best 212 competitors to ever take the stage.
Flex Training Workout Routine
This workout from Flex Lewis will certainly help see great gains. With a variety of exercises and plenty of opportunity to challenge yourself, you will get a massive pump and boost any and all of your muscle building needs.
#1. Back Day For Those Wide Lats
Exercises | Sets | Reps |
Pull-Ups | 3 | 10 |
Hammer Strength Low Row | 3 | 10 |
High Rows | 3 | 10 |
Bent Over DB Rows | 3 | 12 |
Low Pulley Cable Row | 3 | 12 |
Back Extensions | 3 | 8 |
#2. Chest Day For Massive Pecs
Exercises | Sets | Reps |
Cable Flys | 3 | 8-12 |
DB Floor Press | 3 | 10 |
Seated Hammer Wide Press | 3 | 10 |
Pec Deck | 3 | 10 |
Dips | 3 | 15 |
#3. Leg Day
Exercises | Sets | Reps |
Leg Extension | 4 | 10-12 |
Leg Press | 4 | 10 |
Hack Squat | 4 | 10-12 |
Reverse Lunges with Barbell | 4 | 12 |
Hip Extensions | 4 | 12 |
DB Lunges | 4 | 12 |
Standing Machine Calf Raises | 4 | 12-15 |
Leg Press Calf Raises | 4 | 12-15 |
#4. Boulder Shoulder Day
Exercises | Sets | Reps |
Cross Cable Lateral Raises | 3 | 12 |
Barbell Front Raises | 3 | 10 |
Overhead Shoulder Press | 3 | 10 |
DB Side Lateral Raise | 3 | 10 |
Plate Extensions | 4 | 10 |
#5. Biceps & Triceps
Exercises | Sets | Reps |
DB Biceps Curl | 4 | 10-12 |
Barbell Curl | 4 | 10-12 |
Triceps Pushdowns | 3 | 10 |
Overhead Triceps Extensions | 3 | 10 |
Preacher Curls | 3 | 10-12 |
Cable Curls | 3 | 10-12 |
Smith Machine Body Weight Push Press | 3 | 10 |
Seated Close Grip Triceps Press | 3 | 10 |
Flex Lewis & cbdMD Supplementation For Optimal Recovery
Flex Lewis uses CBD products from a great company in cbdMD, whose mission is to enhance the overall quality life of athletes and everyday people while bringing CBD education, awareness, and accessibility to all. CBD has great potential to aid in a number of ways including relieving muscle pain, reducing anxiety and depression, promoting better sleep, supporting your immune system, and much more (2,3,4).
As an accomplished bodybuilder, Flex knows exactly what he needs to not only grow muscle, but also repair it. Bodybuilding can be a real strain on your body especially those vital joints. How you train impacts what kind of muscle you could build, but how you recover influences how much muscle you actually do build. With cbdMD, Flex has all these needs covered to maximize his own recovery.
Let’s take a look at a favorite cbdMD supplement for Flex. A great topical, this will help relieve any muscle aches and pains in a calming and soothing way for the best effects.
cbdMD Recover Tub

cbdMD Recover Tub offers soothing CBD cream with pain killing and herbal ingredients for a warming sensation while providing temporary relief from minor aches and pains.
Recover is a CBD cream made from soothing herbal ingredients and pain killing medicine to help relieve any muscle soreness and pain. Superior Broad Spectrum hemp extract works with histamine dihydrochloride, to provide temporary relief and increase blood flow, while other ingredients like arnica, aloe vera, and MSM, provide a creamy, moisturizing base. Perfect for sore muscles and joint pain, Recover is a great supplement for you.
Check out our list of the Best CBD Supplements for more great pain relieving products!
Wrap Up
Flex Lewis is an accomplished and world class bodybuilder who knows exactly what it takes to see huge gains. On top of it all, working out doesn’t come without its fair share of pains and strains and knowing what to use to optimize recovery as best you can will greatly affect the amount of muscle grown. CBD supplements are incredible in that they work to alleviate muscle pain and soreness in a safe and natural way. Flex uses cbdMD for all his CBD needs as they are reliable and only produce the highest quality products as he seeks to continue his dominant reign atop the bodybuilding world.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Flex Lewis Instagram
- Boyaji, Shafik; Merkow, Justin; Elman, R. N.; Kaye, Alan D.; et al. (2020). “The Role of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Chronic Pain Management: An Assessment of Current Evidence”. (source)
- Shannon, Scott; Lewis, Nicole; Lee, Heather; Hughes, Shannon (2019). “Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series”. (source)
- Nichols, James M.; Kaplan, Barbara L. F. (2020). “Immune Responses Regulated by Cannabidiol”. (source)