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How a 7’2″ Tall Bodybuilder Eats 7,000 Calories Per Day to Maintain Weight

Statistics show that fewer than 3,000 people worldwide are 7 feet tall, and it’s even rarer to see a bodybuilder that height. Enter Olivier Richters, “the tallest professional bodybuilder” on record, at 7 feet, 2 inches tall and weighing 352 pounds. 

In mid-November, Richters shared his 7,000-calorie diet, including a staggering 500 grams of daily protein.

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Richters, 35, has acted in Marvel’s Black Widow, The King’s Man, Indiana Jones, and a few other big films, playing minor roles. He co-owns and runs the nutrition company Muscle Meat, churning 10,000 meals daily for his online sports supermarket and local Jumbo grocery stores.

Though Richters eats 7,000 calories to maintain his weight, he plans to gain 10 pounds in the next two years to boost his acting career. 

Breakfast — 1,250 Calories

Richters rolls out of bed at 6:30 a.m. and prepares a high-calorie breakfast to stay fueled until noon. It consists of:

Each meal also includes 120 grams of Dutch Giant Nutrition ultra-fine ground oats and 30 grams of whey protein powder mixed in water. Ritchers takes multivitaminsvitamin D, and creatine each morning before work. 

Lunch & Meal 3 — 2,111 Calories

Lunchtime at the Muscle Meat factory is a family affair as Richters’ employees are his relatives. “Solidarity is important for our workers,” he said. Richters typically has one of the frozen, pre-made meals he sells but adds oats and whey to meet his 1,000-calorie target. 

A few hours later, Richters’ next meal is Muscle Meat’s hottest seller: risotto with spinach and chicken. “I control my own recipes, the quality, and production,” Richters said as he shared a peek inside his food factory.

Meals 4 & 5 — 1,300 Calories

Having two meals in one, Ritchers works on his daily two liters of milk for 1,300 more calories. He pairs that with 200 grams of salmon. The Dutch Giant has his final oats and protein shake right after.

Pre-Bedtime & Early A.M. Snack — 1,270 Calories

Richters unwinds before bedtime with a few hours of gaming and 500 grams of full-fat Quark, a Greek yogurt. “Every time you die or make a major kill [in the game], you take a bite, and [the yogurt] goes very quickly.”

At 3 a.m., Richters wakes up to eat another tub of Quark, which is kept by his bedside for convenience. He catches a few more zzz’s and then does it again a few hours later.

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Featured image: @thedutchgiant on Instagram

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