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Horse MD Makes Move To Men’s Open Following Weigh-In Issue


Horse MD will make the jump to Men’s Open at his current weight.

Marcello De Angelisknown as Horse MD, is one of the up-and-coming talents in bodybuilding. He has been competing in Classic Physique but recently announced his intention to move to Men’s Open after controversy surrounding his weigh-in at his most recent show.

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De Angelis earned his Pro Card last year and has been anticipated ever since. Horse MD was hospitalized with a virus a few weeks ago that left him severely dehydrated. The virus itself is unknown but he was treated with a Saline drop to help with the dehydration. Following this stay in the hospital, De Angelis failed to make weight in Brazil when he was scheduled to appear on stage.

Horse MD was slated in Classic Physique in the Musclecontest Brazil but came in too heavy for his height. He needed to be under 101kg but came in at 104.8, which is nearly seven pounds more than needed. This left many wondering if Horse MD would drop the weight or make the move up.

Horse MD Announces Move To Men’s Open

On Thursday, Horse MD took to Instagram to announce his move to Men’s Open. This was a decision that was put into the universe following his weigh-in controversy at his most recent show.

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“Go to open. This whole period of transition to Classic taught me a lot, unfortunately the difficulties in losing weight affected my immunity, physical and mental health before I could finish the first competition and God knows I tried until the end with all my strength, putting goal and expectation above my health.

My coach and wife were not in favor of me choosing Classic in the beginning because they both know my facilities and difficulties, and so during the journey people who really like me, when they saw me degrading myself in search of weight, changed their minds, so as after the virus I was advised to stop there, I was wrong once again to go all the way.”

Horse MD is a former Mr. Universe champion with plenty more to accomplish. He also took home the Panamericano title, along with two Sulamericano titles and four Brasileiro gold medals.

De Angelis continued to explain that his family was not on board with cutting weight, especially following the virus. Now, he expects the best from this switch to Men’s Open.

“I never wanted to disappoint, I always go to the end. But I was also disappointed in myself for letting all this happen and I will never put anything against my health (not just once again). My happiness is in the Open. I really appreciate those who are by my side and trust me, I also appreciate all the good energies of those who accompany my work. The best is yet to come, I will strategize with the right people who care about me and dedicate myself to bringing the best physique of my life.”

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