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Hassan Mostafa is the Dark Horse to Win NY Pro, Works with Flex Wheeler and Jose Raymond


Hassan Mostafa could win the NY Pro.

One of the dark horses of the division, Hassan Mostafa is looking super impressive heading into the NY Pro. While much of the focus has been placed on Blessing Awodibu and Nick Walker, there are other talented bodybuilders who will be challenging for the top spot at the NY Pro. Hassan Mostafa is one of those competitors.

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With just over 3 weeks until the show, Hassan has been pulling out all the stops. While he hasn’t posted a ton in the lead up to the show, what he has revealed has been pretty impressive.


To ensure a victory at the NY Pro, Hassan Mostafa has employed help of 212 veteran Jose Raymond and the legend Flex Wheeler to help improve his posing game.

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This prep my main focus is to improve on all the criticisms I received last season, and one of them was posing. So I did a few sessions with two legends in our sport to help me improve! @theebostonmass is one of the best in the 212 division and I was honored to work with him. @officialflexwheeler is an icon in the history of bodybuilding and I’m grateful to be taught proper posing by the best in the industry!!! This season I’m leaving nothing to chance, it’s work work work!!!!

There’s no doubt that Hassan Mostafa has gained some valuable knowledge from the two veterans. Both Jose Raymond and Flex Wheeler definitely have the kind of insight any competitor would love to receive.

What do you think of Hassan Mostafa?

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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