Hadi Choopan Looks So Incredible He Could Win The Olympia

Hadi Choopan is looking Olympia ready.
Hadi Choopan is looking incredible ahead of the 2021 Olympia. The Iranian bodybuilder recently released an update video showcasing just how ready he is to challenge for the Mr.Olympia title.
Over the past few years Hadi Choopan has upped his game. The Iranian bodybuilder has gone from the 212 division to being a top contender for the title of Mr. Olympia. In 2019 he came in third place and even won the people’s champ award. Clearly the fans see that Hadi Choopan has what it takes to challenge the top of the division. Now, once again, Choopan is demonstrating just how prepared he is to take on the world.
The 2020 Olympia saw the crowning of a new Olympia. Mamdouh ‘Big Ramy’ Elssbiay was able to capture the title with a vastly improved physique and conditioning. Brandon Curry came in a close second, beating out the returning Phil Heath. In turn the seven-time Mr. Olympia was able to place third over Hadi Choopan who many believed should have placed higher.
Incredible Update
Now the Iranian bodybuilder is taking no prisoners and is ready to bring his all in the 2021 show. Hadi Choopan recently released a update video showcasing just how incredible he’s looking more than 17 weeks out from the Olympia.
When you see his training it’s not hard to believe that Hadi Choopan is reaching a new level. His recent workouts have showcased the level of dedication he’s been putting into his Olympia prep. This leg day training is on a completely different level and features the Persian Wolf developing some insanely massive wheels.
It’s clear that Hadi Choopan has the tools necessary to challenge for the top three in the world. He has packed on the muscle and still has maintained some crazy conditioning. The 2021 Olympia will surely be interesting this year.
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.