Good Exercises For Lower Back Pain Alleviation & Support

Don’t let lower back pain stop you in your tracks and keep you from seeing big gains.
Lower back pain plagues us all. That uncomfortable feeling of rolling out of bed and suffering through the stiffness and pain throughout the day. There are simple and convenient ways to strengthen your lower back without succumbing to one more day of lower back pain.
Work to help yourself get better with these great exercises because you have the power to change your posture and ability to lift big for the better. All it takes is the will to make this much needed change.
The back is without a doubt one of the most important parts of your body. More confidence in the gym, in your everyday life, and in yourself can enhance your gains and keep you seeing those goals you desire most come to fruition without back pain. Any big lift requires good stability and these workouts can get you there so you look and feel great.
While it is imperative to train your whole back in order to help support the spine, strengthening the lower back is going to offer an extra level of spinal support while also keeping your hip flexors and core in great shape. This will aid in not only overall daily functioning, but also those big lifts so you start seeing huge personal records and outlift others in competition without low back pain and sore back muscles.
Lower back pain is hard to exactly pinpoint and can be caused by a host of things from improper form, strenuous activity, or muscle strain. These lower back exercises are great for strengthening and maintaining a good, solid lower back to keep you feeling great, looking great, and thriving in and out of the gym with strong core muscles keeping your lift moving.
Many associate the squat with simply the legs. But the lower back is the most targeted area during a squat and without proper strength and correct form, your lower back can suffer greatly.
Starting light with squats and gradually building to heavier weights is a great way to strengthen and maintain the lower back in order to see those gains. As a staple in the big three powerlifts, squats are great for seeing huge growth in the lower body while also promoting a solid core. With a more engaged and stable core, your low back will take less of a load, thus decreasing unwanted pain and strain and lower back pain.
How to: Start with a wide stance and have your feet shoulder width apart. Squeezing your core to maintain a flat back, sit back as if a chair is under you. Your feet should be flat on the ground with your knees behind your toes. Be sure to keep your chest up and head facing front.
Bridges are often seen as a warm-up exercise, but the benefits of a bridge far outweigh the common misconception surrounding them. Too often we sit hunched at our desks and bridges can help strengthen not just the lower back, but the entire back.
For those looking to lift heavy and be more explosive, bridges can aid in these movements and support your workout endurance. They provide for a great stretch as well to really elongate the spine and feel longer. Opening up your spine with an exercise like this can also promote better breathing and posture and really work to aid in those big lifts and more advanced workouts without lower back pain.
How to: Lie flat on your back with your knees up. Pushing your hips off the ground, keep your arms and head relaxed down while lifting your chest. Gently lower your hips to release to the initial position and take strain off the low back.
While primarily a stretch, the knee-to-chest workout will increase your range of motion allowing that stiffness to be released. Whether done as a double- or single-legged exercise, this is a great warm-up or mid workout stretch. This can work to loosen up any tight muscle and really work to alleviate pain that occurs in the low back.
How to: For the single-leg, lie on your back flat on the ground with your feet on the floor and knees bent up. Raise one knee and interlace your fingers underneath. Pull the bent knee to chest, pause for a moment, then return to the floor. The same premise follows with the double-leg except lift both knees off the ground and gently pull towards your body for back pain relief.
Lying Lateral Leg Lifts
Lying lateral leg lifts will help work the hip abductor muscles used to support the pelvis and reduce unwanted strain on the lower back. This will help with balance as well as mobility and provide for a more stable core. A more stable abdominal center means less back strain and a more solid low back to aid in any big lift or serious workout and relieve pain.
How to: Lie on one side of your body with your legs together, avoiding your hands and knees. Keeping the lower leg slightly bent, raise the top leg while keeping it straight. It is important to engage the ab muscles. Hold at the top and gently lower back down. Turning onto your other side, you can repeat these steps for the other leg for back pain relief which may help it go away as this exercise helps with that for your muscles and spine.
With Supermans, the lower back and glutes are primarily involved giving those lower back muscles the opportunity to work. Although a simple exercise, it allows you to build fundamental skills for more advanced workouts. This is also a great ab workout so you can start to see that desired physique take effect. With a solid low back and rocking core, your aesthetic and support base are seriously enhanced and ready to relieve pain in all body parts like your back and legs.
How to: Lie face down on the ground and stretch both arms out front. At the same time, raise both your hands and feet off the ground about six inches. Engage your abdominals while keeping your head straight down at the floor. Hold for a brief pause and lower back to the ground gently for pain relief from your muscles, spine and arms.
Side Plank
A good side plank can help strengthen the muscles of your lower back. While also working your core, the side plank improves stability and offers the benefit of a solid lower back. Working those obliques is a great way to get that V-shape we all desire with the added benefit of helping yourself see great gains in alleviating low back pain.
How to: This can be done on either your elbow or with your hand on the floor and arm stretched out. Choose a side and lie on the ground. Tightening your core, raise your hips so your body forms a line from your feet to your shoulder. You can place your free hand either on your hip or extended in the air. Hold for as long as you’d like in a straight line and gently lower to the ground. The same steps apply for the other side for pain relief and strengthen more core muscles and abdominal muscles.
Wrap Up
While lower back pain can be debilitating in all facets of life, don’t let it take you down. Give these lower back exercises a try and you will see significant progress with how you feel with stronger abdominal muscles and less low back pain to help relieve pain and tension. Don’t let neglect and poor movement hurt your gains and really work to help your back and overall body stay upright and with good posture. You have the power to change the way your back feels and these exercises will help greatly in your quest for increased confidence and a better overall quality lift. Try these exercises today to see how they can help you.
Let us know how these exercises are in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato