Golden Era Bodybuilder Tom Platz Believes The Olympia And Arnold Classic Have Diminished Over The Years

Bodybuilding legend Tom Platz has seen bodybuilding change over the years.
Tom Platz is a legendary bodybuilder from the Golden Era who remains up to date with the happenings around the sport of bodybuilding. During a recent interview, Platz had some things to say about the current reputation and standing of the Olympia and Arnold Classic.
Platz began his career in the 70s and competed in many competitions. In 1978, he earned his Pro Card and won the r. Universe title. He was known for his overall passion and knowledge for fitness. Platz put together some intense workouts to build muscle and add size.
During his career, Platz took the Olympia stage eight times and faced some all-time greats. He went toe-to-toe with the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lee Haney. Since his time on stage, Platz believes that the biggest shows in bodybuilding have some their luster.
Tom Platz On Current State Of Olympia And Arnold Classic
In bodybuilding, all athletes train in hopes of qualifying for, and eventually winning, the Olympia. Because of this, Tom Platz believes the overall nature of bodybuilding has changed for the worst.
“I think that the Olympia has lost its identity, and that the Arnold Classic has lost its reputation. Mr. America is trying to bring that iconic competition back, and I think that’s the direction that bodybuilding should go.”
In today’s era, the Olympia is all about putting on enough size to compete in Men’s Open. There are mass monsters that take the stage and show off their impressive physiques built over the course of a year.
Tom Platz continued in the video to discuss that the Mr. America competition is great for bodybuilding because of what the judges look for.
“The issue is that Mr. America back then wasn’t just a bodybuilding competition. You had to have poise, good skin, good hair, and good language skills, and be a representation of American manhood, the perfect man, not just physically but mentally and spiritually.”
“Many people think bodybuilding is just winning the Olympia, but it’s not. It’s about so much more than just having a good body and showing off,” Tom Platz said.
Tom Platz believes that different competitions from back in the day will return and bodybuilding will take on a new meaning.
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