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Giants Live Offers $50K to Anyone Who Can Deadlift 505kg for New World Record


Giants Live offer $50,000 to anyone who can beat the deadlift world record with a 505kg lift.

It looks like a major deadlift challenge has just been issued. Looking for a monster deadlifter to beat Hafthor Bjornsson’s world record of 501kg, Giants Live has issued out a challenge. The challenge in particular is to see who can lift 505kgs.

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Since Hafthor Bjornsson deadlifted 501kg last year, many strongman and powerlifting competitors have staked their claim as being the next to break the record. While talk is all when and good, it’s going to take action to bring about a changing of the guard.

But rather than just bragging rights, Giants Live is adding some extra incentive. Giants Live is putting on a World Deadlift championship and they’re inviting any and every strength athlete to prove their worth. If they can deadlift 505kg then they’ll not only break the world record, but also take home the grand prize of $50,000.

Below is the official announcement of the event.

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GIANTS LIVE are on the hunt for the next WORLD RECORD deadlifter. We’re offering $50,000 to ANYONE who can lift 505kg!

Think YOU can deadlift 505KG? Email [email protected] with a video of your lifts and why YOU should be invited to Giants Live WORLD OPEN + World Deadlift Championships

Do you think there’s a lifter out there that can deadlift 505kgs?

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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