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Gorilla Sets
A normal drop set involves reducing weight while performing reps to failure. The last set often involves a relatively light weight that might not always maximize fatigue in high threshold motor units. Going back to your starting weight for one more “set” to failure guarantees maximum fatigue in high...
Study on Forced Reps.
💥This study analyzed growth hormone levels throughout two different training sessions and found that subjects using forced reps had a higher growth hormone response during the training session. Use this method by having a spotter help you force out 2-3 extra reps per set after you...
Psychological effects of a Spotter
by Shawn Wayland • Do spotters do more than keep the barbell from crushing your trachea? One study shows they do. Twelve trained men were recruited and underwent three testing sessions. The first session was to establish their 1RM for the Smith machine bench press. During second and third testi...
Do I Need A Training Partner or A Spotter?
Often a good training partner is a good friend, or will become one. I met my last training buddy when I changed gyms, I knew him from a powerlifting team we both competed in. For many years he came to my house with his car to pick me up for our work-outs. When one us of us didn’t feel well or didn’t...
jimbosmith316 started a topic 'Intimacy coach' who lifts objects as big as surfboards with her vaginain Bodybuilding'Intimacy coach' who lifts objects as big as surfboards with her vagina
Wonder if she needs a spotter?
Kim uses...
Anyone ever try this? Pretty cheap compared to other spotter free equipment.