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Looking for hassle free shopping ?
Unfortunately, our website domain is currently unavailable. We're in the process of switching domain, but it may take a day or two to complete. In the meantime, we'd like to let our forum members know that we're still accepting orders manually. Here's the ordering format that we'll be using. Please...
Unfortunately, our website domain is currently unavailable. We're in the process of switching domain, but it may take a day or two to complete. In the meantime, we'd like to let our forum members know that we're still accepting orders manually. Here's the ordering format that we'll be using. ...
Website is up and running
Dear Customers
We would like to inform you that our website is now working fine. All the services have been restored.
Now visit and place your order without any hassle.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused earlier.
Happy shopping !
ERROR 1106 from our site - If you're getting this, please read
Dear friends, As we have mentioned several times now, our website has been under a good deal of ddos attacks since the beginning of May. Let's say someone with a nice budget for cyber-terrorism is a bit bothered by us. When you have a major attack for a little while, things normally get back to n...