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8 Things Fans Hate That They'll Actually Miss
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Duke Pulls Off Incredible Comeback
Chris Cwik,Yahoo Sports•February 12, 2019
It looked bleak for the Duke Blue Devils early, but the team came alive late. After falling behind by 23 points in the second half, No. 2 Duke pulled off an incredible win over the No. 16 Louisville Cardinals.
That didn’t seem possible...
Motivation is a Scam
Motivation is a Scam
Nia Shanks
Warning: this article is laced with profanity.
At least her email was pithy: “Fuck you, Nia. I did everything you said to get motivated and it didn’t work. You clearly have ...
Things are good, still waiting for Chinese New Years to end.......for some items. Otherwise things are moving . I know you guys have gotten used to superfast service .... but it cant be achieved all the time. At times it may take a few days longer .....Life happens. Thank you for understanding...
Flexing to help Willpower?
Achieving just about any goal is simple: there are some things you must do, and there are some things you shouldn't do. We make these "do it" and "don't do it" decisions all day long. They add up. And all of them involve willpower, whether it's doing the tough exercise you really don't want to do, or...
Do you really need fancy gyms?
by Matt Weik
Are we now a society of special snowflakes? I mean seriously. Look at some of the new gyms out there today like Equinox. Do we REALLY need all of that technology and special treatment in a gym? We are there to get sweaty and nasty, right? Let’s discuss.
Results or Excuses
How many of you know people that find every excuse possible why they can’t exercise? They work long hours. They have kids to take care of. There’s way too much to get done around the house. They don’t have the money to pay for a gym membership. The list goes on and on without end. Every time you show...
New year Promo has wiped us out of things!
Have to Pause a few to catch up, so we will extend current offer out as many days as it takes to catch up.
Thank you for understanding.
ReOpen New years eve!
Open New years eve!Things are looking great ,
Look to crank it up tomorrow!
Shakra Keto Diet Price The standard expense of a Shakra Keto Diet holder is 50 EUR.
Shakra Keto Diet With this cost we can comprehend that the cost isn't high considering most of the focal centers it offers. Regardless, at the present time there is a progress that licenses to buy a compartment of Shakra Keto Diet for only 39 EUR. It is possible that Shakra Keto Diet is passed on to...
Sickness The aggregate plasma USA Diet Plan investigate.
USA Diet Plan (the harbingers androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosteone into USA Diet Plan in the liver, fat tissue and skin. It skims in the blood in two structures, one related with transport proteins (30 40% bound to egg whites and 0 0% bound to SHBG or TeBG and SBP , the other free. For what reason...
Bodybuilding - Saving Lives
by Matt Weik
With all the negativity surrounding the sport of bodybuilding, it’s refreshing to hear of some good that comes from it. I was looking at some headlines when I came across an article about a girl who got sick, had her large intestine removed, and while in her hospital...
How does Bodybuilding Compare from years ago?
by Christian Duque
Things have a tendency to improve over time, particularly things that deal with science. Strength and physique-bases sports have a great deal to do with research; they focus on innovations and discoveries insofar as nutrition, training, and supplementation. There have...
One size doesn't fit all.
by Matt Weik
I can remember flipping through the pages of FLEX Magazine and Muscular Development when I was in my 20’s and hanging onto everything printed on those pages. After a few years, I became totally jaded after doing my own experimenting and testing. I could follow...