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Stereotyping Dr's
Doctors stigmatise steroids users On online forums for steroids users, experiences with doctors are disappointing. Doctors not only know little about steroids, but are also likely to express their negative opinion of users, say most forum visitors. According to psychologists at the State University of Ne...
Six weeks of testosterone-enanthate: more weight on the bench, faster sprint, often not detectable
Six weeks of testosterone-enanthate: more weight on the bench, faster sprint, often not detectable...
A weekly injection with 3.5 mg testosterone enanthate per kilogram bodyweight is enough to increase trained athletes' sprint capa
Gynaecomastia in AAS users
Written by Bigcat
Gynaecomastia in AAS users
Gynaecomastia is the development of breast tissue in males. It’s a side-effect often associated with anabolic androgenic steroid use/abuse, although it’s not all that prevalent in healthy males. One study with low-dose testosterone...
Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids and Aggression
by Jack Darkes, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Director of Interventions, Alcohol and Substance Use Research Institute, University of South Florida
The following is a brief synopsis of a talk given at the 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological...
Our New Store for ........& About Our Grand Opening Sale
A lot of you might have noticed we announced the opening of our New Store, and Not only ran a Grand Opening Sale but we Mass Emailed tens of thousands of You about the New Store and New Sale, and well Most of you were unable to make purchases, register an account, or contact us from new store due to...
Limp Dick - Deca
Limp Dick - Deca A few words on deca and impotence... I would place an estimated guess that 90% of deca users experience some sexual dysfunction from nandrolones. That includes all esters, decanoate being the worst. Most already understand that nandrolones are a strong stimulator of the progesteron...
Vitamin E protects testes while taking steroids
Vitamin E protects testes while taking steroids
While on a course of steroids, taking extra vitamin E [upper structural formula shown below] reduces damage caused to the testes. An animal study published 6 years ago in Andrologia by animal scientists from Harran University,
Vitamin E ...
Q: Is “Deca Dick” caused by increased prolactin levels from nandrolone decanoate?
Q: Is “Deca Dick” caused by increased prolactin levels from nandrolone decanoate? A: The problem with this is that it is from no evidence. It’s the kind of statement that if true would be quite provable: prolactin is measurable. The one study I’ve read that reported prolactin levels with anabolic st...
Steroids and Marijuana
I never thought I’d see the day that I would get a chance to write about my two favorite things: anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and Marijuana (weed!). But all kidding aside, guys and gals, there are a few things to be said about these two substances, and how to use them together. In short, steroids...
Missed scammer sorry!@#$@ Internet has been out!
I deleted and banned the user's offering HGH. My internet has been out since the storm. Don't goto the website-scammer! Or worse!
PGCL - Bodybuilding's Most Hardcore Drug?
PGCL - Bodybuilding's Most Hardcore Drug? With the use of anabolic steroids and growth hormone endemic in bodybuilding and strength sports today, athletes have increasingly sought out ever new drugs to gain an edge. The widespread adoption of peptides such as IGF-1 LR3, Mechanogrowth factor (MGF), GHR...
A New League of U.S. Steroid Users by Rick Collins 2016
In 2005, an ambitious psychology graduate student named Jason Cohen contacted me to ask for help. Jay, now Dr. Cohen, wanted to conduct an online survey of adult Americans who are using anabolic steroids non-medically. He was concerned that potential distrust among the target population might reduce...
Use/Dosing of Cialis, Tadalafil Citrate
Use/Dosing of Cialis, Tadalafil Citrate Pharmaceutical Name: Tadalafil Citrate Drug Classification: Long-Acting Type 5 Phosphodiesterase Isoenzyme Inhibitor Active Life: 36-48 hours Long-acting type 5 phosphodiesterase isoenzyme inhibitors are a class of drugs currently prescribed for the treatm...
What is Ostarine (MK-2688)?
What is Ostarine (MK-2688)? Ostarine is the SARM that GTx is developing for the prevention and treatment of muscle wasting. It is currently undergoing clinical trials and may eventually be the medical prescription for prevention of cachexia, atrophy, and sarcopenia and for Hormone or Testosterone R...
1-Testosterone - Pharmaceutical Name: Dihydroboldenone
1-Testosterone Pharmaceutical Name: Dihydroboldenone Chemical Names: 17beta-hydroxyandrost-1-en-3-one, 5alpha-androst-1-en-3-one, 17beta-ol Active Life: depends on the ester utilized Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 200/100 Dihydroboldenone, most commonly known as 1-testosterone, is a 5alpha red...