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Masteron P vs Masteron E?
Just like the title, who has ran both, and did you notice a big difference positive or negative? I am going to be coming off a low dose 100mg eod prop cycle for about 16 weeks, still a month left. Going to cruise for a while, then blast again, but instead of using prop again I was thinking of just bumping...
Test only cycle
When is the last time you vets ran a test only cycle?
just curious
ran 17wk. tren test cycle end of cycle is exactly 8 days HCG? please read
Hello I am 40 years old 186Lbs. 13 percent body fat First cycle I ran test enanthate 250mg wk. Tren ace 100mgs eod started cycle wIt AN Anadrol. Then continued running tren and test for the next 16wks. After comming off the Tren I ran another 5wks of Masteron 125mgs test prop 100mgs. Eod to br...