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Wishing you all a Happy Sunday!! Make this another KICK ASS day to make those goals happen!! No excuses. No better friend to have in your corner than products from YOURMUSCLESHOP!! Join our Telegram Group for exclusive deals & Promotional Offers : TelegramYourMuscleShop Visit : ...
Just wishing you all a Happy Thursday and hope you're all Kickin Ass!!! Thank you all for for your support and Loyalty! We look forward to hearing from you all for your Bodybuilding needs. Join our Telegram Group for exclusive deals & Promotional Offers : TelegramYourMuscleShop Visit : ...
Wanted to welcome our newest Member CuteJeepLady to the MC FAMILY!! This is a personal friend of mine everyone and a FANTASTIC LADY!!! She's a BAD ASS in the gym and and inspiration to anyone that comes in contact with her!! Please welcome her and show her the love she deserves....
Well my Wife and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary this week and she's basically demanded I take the week off from my shop.LOL I'm a workaholic so it's tough for me to leave my shop without me for a week.I do have a great crew and a good manager so.....I'm doing it. Went to the Casinos an...
New mask mandates
Tren and the new mask mandates don’t mix very well. I refuse to wear a mask and people are getting an earful when the “Karen's” open their mouth. Everyone keep talking about science....the CDC stated that the virus can spread up to 18ft distances then quickly revised it back to 6ft of social d...
NBA Cancels Games In Protest
So, I guess the NBA didn't play last night...did anyone miss them? Apparently the players all decided that they would not play in protest of racial injustice following the shooting of a black man by police in Wisconsin. Personally, I hope they just stay shut down. They are nothing but spoiled, wh...
What Is The Best Community Platform You Guys Have Recently Used?
We are looking to change our Community Software Platform from Vbulletin to Something New Like Possibly Xenforo Software or Maybe Invision Community Platform. But theres also alot of new ones out like Jive and una and such. So im curious if any of you have run into a new type of platform that kicks ...
Boxer briefs question, bc why not.
OK fuck it this is the Barbershop & "General conversation" may as well be called Barbershop. Which boxer briefs can you wear that fit your waist that don't ride up into your package & ass crack as if you were wearing a fuckin G-string? Serious question. Hanes used to be good to go but they changed ...
Don't Major in Minors
While many different factors are involved in creating a freakishly strong physique, they aren't all of equal importance. For example, getting lean is mostly a matter of calorie control. Sure, optimizing macronutrient ratios, meal frequency and timing, and food quality all play a role, but to a MUCH...
Fear is Fuel
Fear is Fuel – You need a ghost. And you need to be afraid of it. Oh, I know. You ain't scared of nothing, and you still have that "No Fear" shirt from the 90s to prove it. But I also know that every successful person, in any field, has a ghost or two that haunts them.
A "ghost" is something...
Stock Market
Well it looks like there was an ass raping today on wall street. Dow lost over 1000. I would strongly advise not to look at your 401k or IRAs for the next couple of weeks. Investors are overreacting over the coronavirius. Once a vaccine comes out the markets will bounce back. If you don't have money...
True Story! Sad But True Nonetheless!!
So I switched over to a dark theme on my iphone today (wow i know right! lol ) Anyhow so I caught myself really looking at it to see if I liked it or not and boom I had this out of body clarity that said "Yep You Lost It" after noticing this:
I know what your think...Last edited by Presser; 12-13-2019, 11:13 PM.
Squat Ass to to Grass or Parallel?
Do you squat ass to grass? . Squats are one of the most common & best compound leg exercises there is. It involves the majority of your major muscles; the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus, back and abdominal muscles. Studies have looked into the squat extensively to get insight on correct for...
Fear as Fuel - We need our Ghost
Fear is Fuel
You need a ghost. And you need to be afraid of it. Oh, I know. You ain't scared of nothing, and you still have that "No Fear" shirt from the 1990's to prove it. But I also know that every successful person, in any field, has a ghost or two that haunts them. A "ghost" is something...
TRUMP 2020! It is crunch time.
Well I am a big Trump supporter. I know a lot of you have noticed my absence. I have been greatly effected by the border crisis and I am working on doing my part in that. Also, I am very earnest about the 2020 election. I got on Ebay and noticed that ALL the Trump 2020 bumper stickers were MADE IN CHINA!...