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Flex Lewis and Phil Heath On 2020 Mr. Olympia Contest

Flex Lewis Details His Injuries in Video Update

Flex Lewis Details His Injuries in Video Update

Flex Lewis has had a rough go of it.

After looking sharp in his lead up to the 2020 Olympia, James “Flex” Lewis gave the unfortunate news that he would be unable to compete at the show. After winning the 212 Mr. Olympia Competition seven times, Flex Lewis was expected to make his Men’s Open Bodybuilding debut at the show. Instead he will be sitting out the show and on the sidelines. His reasons for not competing: some serious injuries.

Before it was unsure exactly what was the injury plaguing Flex Lewis keeping him from competing. In a new YouTube video, the former 212 division king touched on the subject and revealed some further information.

In the last six months, I’ve had tremendous pain in my shoulders and we found out we’ve had some tears there.

During this downtime, I’m going to be targeting my elbows, my knees, my shoulders, and really giving my gut health a overhaul. I really want to leave no stone unturned in the next couple of months and really bring back again a version that I’ve not even seen myself… feeling, looking, going into next year’s shows.”

As previously confirmed, the Mr. Olympia Competition is set to take place on December 18-19th, 2020, in Las Vegas. Lewis is highly regarded as the greatest 212 Bodybuilder of all time. Like many previous bodybuilders, Lewis was inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger to start bodybuilding at an early age. As a former rugby player in Wales, Flex Lewis joined forces with IFBB Pro Neil Hill and quickly became a phenom in the UK bodybuilding circuit. Later in February 2020, he confirmed he would move up to Men’s Open.

To see the full video, click here.

Hopefully Flex Lewis can make a full recovery and get back in action in 2021.

Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTubeInstagramTwitterFacebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

NDO Champ: Phil Heath Will Only Lose Olympia 2020 If He Slacks Off

NDO Champ talks about how the combination of genetics and passion will make Phil Heath unstoppable again at the Olympia 2020.

Most of you know NDO Champ for his absolutely insane intensity. If you’ve even seen one of his viral videos or workouts – the speakers on your phone or laptop have probably blown out completely. That’s because NDO is a bodybuilder with energy like no other. He brings true meaning to the word hardcore. Much like his high-level energy, he also holds nothing back when it comes to his opinions in the sport of bodybuilding. Which is why we asked him to give us his predictions for the upcoming Mr. Olympia this year. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, NDO Champ explains how Phil Heath is a shoe-in to win the Olympia 2020 due to the combination of his genetics and hard work. He claims Heath will only lose if he slacks off.

Much like last year, the Olympia 2020 will not be a normal competition for the biggest bodybuilding show year. Due to the world pandemic, the competition was moved to December. On top of that, there have been some complications on who can compete due to unrelated issues such as Flex Lewis’ injury and Shawn Rhoden’s continued legal problems.

On positive surprise this year came early on in the form of Phil Heath’s return to competing. He will be on stage facing off against Brandon Curry to earn back his thrown. While it’s unfortunate Heath will not be competing against all of the very best athletes this year due to dropouts – he will still be facing off agains the likes of Big Ramy, William Bonac, and the aforementioned Curry. All of these athletes have been circling the top 3 positions the last two years. Will Phil Heath be able to defeat them all?

NDO Champ certainly thinks so. During our video interview, NDO confirms that there is little the other athletes can do to topple Phil Heath. NDO feels that Heath’s genetics, his “gift” if you will, sets him so far above other competitors that he can only lose if he slacks off.

NDO Champ thinks this is what happened when Phil Heath lost in 2018. He had grown complacent in his years of victory. But now, having been knocked off his horse, will Phil Heath be hungrier than ever to obtain an eight Sandow trophy and earn himself a spot in the world record pantheon of most Olympia wins?

Only time will truly tell. But for now NDO Champ is staying confident that the time away from the spotlight has only made Phil Heath more focused on training his best ever. That mixed with his blessed genetics will make him impossible to beat no matter how hard the other athletes try.

This of course is to not take away from the other competitors and what they can accomplish. NDO Champ uses Kai Greene as an example. NDO loves Kai as an athlete but no matter how much Kai tried he was always stuck in second place. That’s not because Kai didn’t train hard enough. It’s because Phil Heath’s genetics are on another level.

Brandon Curry has been showcasing consistent growth year after year though. So we don’t want to count him out completely. Perhaps his genetics have yet to fully show their promise as he continues to perfect his training, diet, and physique. Again – only time will tell.

You can watch NDO Champ’s full comments in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.

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