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Eddie Hall Trains With Ryan Terry, Hits Vacuum Pose


Eddie Hall gets some posing tips from Ryan Terry.

Eddie Hall is an absolute beast of a man. He’s so extremely massive in fact he looks like he’s going to devour Ryan Terry in their recent training. “The Beast” has some lighthearted fun with Terry while doing some bodybuilding posing.

With so much of his time being spent training for his upcoming boxing match, you’d think Eddie Hall has no time for anything else. Hall recently collaborated with fellow UK strength athlete Ryan Terry to produce some interesting content.

During their training the two would eventually go pose for pose. Perhaps the most impressive part of the posing was that Eddie Hall had the ability to hit a vacuum pose. It’s a pose that many old school bodybuilders always utilized and some modern bodybuilders embrace. But for Hall to pull this off with a 300 plus pound physique is pretty impressive.

With the king of aesthetics @ryanjterry and must say what a sound bloke too ??
Here’s me teaching him how to pose for maximum points, even got him to hit a vacuum ? ? ?

Eddie Hall certainly loves to joke around, but this display shows that if he put his mind to it he could really have a great stage presence. Will he become Mr. Olympia? Probably not. That said, he has the kind of muscle and the attitude to push himself to cultivate an impressive physique if he so chooses.

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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