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for extreme fat loss. So with your ultimate fat loss protocol, Trevor, can we take it up a notch and just eat during the week to gain muscle, keep our metabolism up, but also be burning fat at the same time. But take a couple days a week, like the weekend or any other two consecutive days where we just eat no food. It’s obviously when we’re eating no food, then we’re not taking in calories. Are insulin levels low? Our body has to burn fat for fuel, but it could also explore metabolism down whenever we crash. Diet that our metabolism adjusts to burn less calories is our basal metabolic rate less calories on a daily basis. So do you think, considering those two things, that it would be wise or good strategy for more extreme fat loss to do? Take two days off from food per week? I dio I think so. 100% if you look in the fasting and how fasting works. All I would say is, take your training off on those two days and take your cardio off on those two days. Take everything off because your metabolism adapts account. Caloric changes right and deficits. And when you’re in extremes on anything so fast would make you seem, yeah, we’re gonna do a fast our bodies just gonna drop metabolizes gonna crash On the contrary, if you’re not doing anything and you go into a fast and you’re in a relaxing stay or you’re going to work on the computer, whatever, whatever it is, if you look at how fasting works and the pituitary gland and how your body responds to this growth hormone goes up, it goes into a preservation mode where it’s trying to hold and maintain onto muscle and lose the body fat. You actually can repair a lot of damage that you cause during the week whether it was insolent and sensitivity. Where from eating so much carbohydrates, redlining in one way trying to build muscle, build muscle, build muscle by doing the fast but also not expending any calories and not going and putting your body through that workout and giving it the rest. Your counterbalancing that you’re balancing and the home yo Stasis that we’re always talking about preaching in this Siri’s comes into play your body never adapt, so one method but you gave it time to recover. You gave it time to rest. Your body is still in a state of building muscle just in a different way, and you’re not expending calories because what it is is the court assault when you’re expending too much calories on not taking enough in or even if you’re taking in too many calories and doing too much in the gym. Taking those breaks from the gym from the food and everything else is like a control, delete or reset function in your body and it resets you and then re programs you for getting ready for the next week. So when you go back to whether it was bulking, even fat loss, good bulking are fat Last, your body’s gonna respond again that much better when you go back to it. Is there anything we would do differently on a Monday if we had fasted on a Saturday and Sunday? Yeah, your Monday workout, that’s you should have glycogen from the Friday So my thing would be making sure you and your Friday on a positive note if you are doing your insulin or your car blood and make sure that you do that, um, at but towards the end of that, you were completely full of glycogen because your body really is not gonna tap into that glycogen me and another friend. We’re just talking the other day about using fasting, um, to come into a show on how it was. One of the best things I ever learned is to have your whoever is getting ready for the show fast. 34 days or so before the show. And all they would have to do is just drink water. They would even have to do a diuretic. And how amazing that they look during the AIDS do this by accident. When he came in, his best condition, absolute best condition ever. And it was totally by accident. So yeah. All right, there it is. Fasting two days a week.

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