Derek Lunsford: “Phil Heath Is The Greatest Bodybuilder Of All Time”

Derek Lunsford opens up about who inspired him in bodybuilding and why he thinks Phil Heath is the number one greatest of all time.
Derek Lunsford skyrocketed into the spotlight this year with an epic victory at the Men’s 212 Olympia. The division was one of the most competitive categories of the event – making his victory that much more exciting. We had an opportunity to speak with Lunsford following his big win and asked him about his biggest influences that inspired his physique. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Derek Lunsford explains how Phil Heath inspired his career and why he believes Heath is the greatest bodybuilder of all time.
Ronnie Coleman. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Lee Haney. These are legendary bodybuilder names that are often in contention for the greatest of all time in the sport. Phil Heath, a seven time Mr. Olympia champion himself, is often in the mix. But perhaps due to Heath being a relatively recent athlete – many do not cement him above the these legends that came before. There is a strong argument for claiming Phil Heath is one of the best of all time but there has not yet been the time yet to let it all sink in.
However, Derek Lunsford has no qualms calling Phil Heath the greatest bodybuilder that ever lived. Even compared to the likes of legends such as Ronnie Coleman or Dorian Yates – for Lunsford it’s all about Heath. During our recent video conversation after his big Olympia win, Lunsford explains how Heath inspired his career.
Derek Lunsford is a young bodybuilder and part of the new generation of athletes coming into the spotlight. So it might make you feel old to hear that Lunsford was inspired by Phil Heath and the original Generation Iron film growing up. Everything from Heath’s aesthetics, shape, size, and conditioning seemed like perfection to Lunsford. Heath was the pinnacle of what Lunsford wished his physique could look like.
Derek Lunsford ultimately hedged his bets on the smaller Men’s 212 division for success (though now he seems to plan to eventually move up to Men’s Open). During our interview, you could still hear the elation in his voice post-victory. In many ways, he still sees himself as a bodybuilding fan who was watching the films and looking up to Phil Heath on stage. Now he’s a champion himself.
Lunsford acknowledges that everyone will have their personal favorite. He knows that Ronnie Coleman and Arnold Schwarzenegger are both legends who changed the sport forever. But for Lunsford personally, Phil Heath changed his relationship to bodybuilding forever. At Lunsford’s age, Heath is from another era. He’s already a solidified legend separate from the competitive bodybuilding world Lunsford battles in today.
Derek Lunsford doesn’t need more time to evaluate how Phil Heath’s legacy will look as time recedes farther – he already knows everything he needs. Heath is an example of waht the perfect bodybuilder should look like as far as Lunsford is concerned. Without Phil Heath – we may not have Derek Lunsford he Men’s 212 Olympia champion that we do today.
You can watch Derek Lunsford talk in detail about Men’s Open and his bodybuilding inspirations by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!