DECA vs. EQUIPOISE: Better MASS Builder? #askDave

2:30 – Metformin for female competitors.
8:18 – Shorter periods of high intensity cardio vs steady state for contest prep
12:20 – Partial tear of a forearm muscle, near impossible to train. Any exercise or supplements to help aid recovery, or, should I not train until fully healed?
16:10 – With bodybuilders being a “different species” – but is there a threshold for markers to be too high, when bodybuilders know they really have a problem?
18:50 – If you could only afford one – would you take TUDCA or oral glutathione for liver health?
22:15 – Equipoise vs. deca – better mass builder?
23:58 – If you don’t have a training partner or spotter – would “train to failure” apply?
25:40 – Does ketogenic diet cause kidney damage?
28:44 – If you compete on a given weekend and your next competition is a month away – differences in protocol from first to second show?
30:35 – Why are bodybuilders in open class aren’t competing here in the US? Seems like the shows in Italy, Spain and Europe have better lineups and the guys look in better condition compared to here in the US. Also, should prize money be increased for 212 & classic? since they’re the ones competing the most?
33:35 – What do you think about the recent claims from other fitness gurus relating deca and npp use to extreme anxiety, depression and kidney issues?do you see these symptoms with your clients?I’m 51yrs old and have used both compounds so many times since the mid eighties and never suffered from any of these. My thoughts are the dosages and these nandrolone only cycles that guys are running now. Twenty years ago we never heard of any of these symptoms related to nandrolone use, and it’s also one of the most studied anabolics that we have available.
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