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Daniel Bell and Chad Penson Crush Raw World Records At Kern US Open


Daniel Bell and Chad Penson showcased superhuman strength at the Kern US Open.

The powerlifting world was treated to some of the most impressive performances ever this past weekend. Veteran powerlifters Daniel Bell and Chad Penson put up some incredible numbers at the Kern US Open. Both men shattered world records and once again cemented themselves as some of the best powerlifters on the planet.

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The Kern US Open brought together a ton of great talent. Records both personal and world were crushed at this past weekend’s show. The powerlifter vet Daniel Bell once again showcased his top class strength at the show. He had already outdid himself back in February when he shattered the raw world record total. But it appears that once simple wasn’t enough for Mr. Bell.

At the Kern US Open the powerlifter set himself apart lifting some truly insane numbers. Here he is bench pressing 606lbs and making it look easy.

Daniel Bell also outdid himself with an all-time world record raw squat of 1,113lbs!

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Bell wasn’t the only powerlifter to break all-time world records at the show. Chad Penson was able to break the all-time world record total in the 198lbs weight category. The powerlifter looked ultra impressive as he cleared every lift and made it look easy.

881 ATWR
512 PR
804 PR
2197lb ATWR total at 198 and 642 Wilks #2 wilks of all time. 2021 Kern US Open champion. Humbled, grateful, but still hungry. Thank you Everyone. Im not don’t.. just getting started. Thanos came for the smoke twice.. see y’all at the Showdown in September ??

The numbers and feats of strength were truly something to behold. These two powerlifters exemplify what it means to be a professional strength athlete. We’ll no doubt be following both Daniel Bell and Chad Penson as they continue to break records.

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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