Carrot Top Reveals How He Got Jacked in Sin City on Joe Rogan’s Podcast

Carrot Top discusses working out 3 hours a day to pack on massive amounts of muscle while staying in Vegas.
According to American actor and stand-up comedian Carrot Top, putting in hours a day at the gym is the secret recipe for building massive amounts of muscle. Nowadays, the renowned actor/comedian walks around with a seamlessly average physique, standing at 5-foot-9-inches, hovering around 140 pounds. But when he was staying in Vegas 15 years ago, he was a whopping 50 pounds heavier, weighing upwards of 190 pounds.
If you’ve been lifting weights for a while, you’ll know this is an astonishing achievement. It’s not easy building this much muscle naturally. So how did this actor and comedian start getting confused as a bodybuilder? In a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, Top claims it was from putting in 3 hours a day at the gym. When Joe Rogan asked about his transformation, Top said:
“What got me jacked? I just, well, I’ll tell you what I did. It was when I got that permanent gig. I had nothing to do all day in Vegas, literally. So I started just going to the gym every day. Like I’d go three hours a day literally. Well, this is again, fifteen years ago and I just was huge, and one day I went to my warehouse to do something.
A picture, something. I was like, ‘what the fuck?’ Like, I’m like, I was like 190 (pounds), I’m like 140. This is my original fighting weight.”
You can see a short clip of Carrot Top’s discussion with Joe Rogan below.
Carrot Top claims there wasn’t much to do while living in Vegas. So what better way to use your time than bashing around metal for hours? (Lifting weights sounds like a better idea than feeding slot machines your money.)
How to Build Muscle Mass
Building muscle mass comes down to a few key things. To name a few, you’ll want to be in a caloric surplus, lift heavy, and make sure the volume and intensity of your workouts are high enough.
We can’t speak on certainty on how intense Carrot Top’s workouts were, but likely they were fierce to yield the results he did. One thing for sure, though, is that his volume was high – he was spending 3 hours a day in the gym! Of course, to increase the volume of your workouts, you’ll want to increase the reps and sets you do and the frequency of your workouts. And working out 3 hours a day is a surefire way to do this!
You may not have quite as much time on your hands as Carrot Top did in Sin City. But a good split routine a few days a week, or if you’re short on time, a full-body workout a couple of days a week is all you need to gain substantial muscle – if you’re following the rest of the muscle-building principles.
Carrot Top does prove one thing. And that’s if you want to pack on muscle, then you’ll need to give your body the workout volume it needs. You may not have hours a day to put into the gym, but consistently putting in a few hours a week into the gym will give you transformative results.
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