Can You See Bodybuilding Gains Without Using Supplements?

The possibility of seeing real gains without using bodybuilding supplements.
We all know that taking supplements can greatly improve all areas of your bodybuilding gains. But is it possible to see gains without using them? The answer is yes, of course you can see gains without using supplements. But throughout this piece we’ll explain why supplements can be beneficial and why it would be best to not totally ditch your supplements. Seeing gains requires diligence and hard work, with or without supplements, but sometimes that extra boost can be exactly what we need to see some really effective gains.
Most of us are familiar with those popular supplements taken to enhance training, performance, health, and wellness, and with more and more supplements coming to the fold, it can be easy to just ditch them all. As ironic as that may seem, the more choices we have, the harder the decision, and ultimately, we start to shy away. But if we embrace the options and open up to the fact that there are so many options out there, we can better help ourselves and in the end, our gains.
So, whether it be a protein powder, pre-workout, fat burner, multivitamin, creatine, or any other supplement out there, each has respective benefits to give you better overall quality of life and improve your training and performance for the best results. Your gains matter and supplements are there to help you.
Let’s take a look at bodybuilding without supplements. While it is of course possible, knowing what can happen when you use and when you don’t use supplements may just help you make up your mind for that easier decision.
Potential Challenges You May Face
For those who don’t use supplements, there are some potential challenges you may face when it comes to seeing and building gains. First off, your protein intake is important and without supplements, you may start to lack some of that vital intake. Protein is the building block of all muscle and without it, you will struggle to build muscle and in effect gains.
You may also start to lose out on vitamins and minerals and while you can get these from whole foods and a healthy diet, what will happen is that you may start to be deficient in one, or a few, if your diet doesn’t reflect that intake. Other benefits you receive from supplements like energy and focus may also start to lack as well.
Building Gains Without Supplements Through…
For training, if you stick to a good routine full of resistance exercises and HIIT workouts, you will effectively build and keep on gains (1). Sticking to a regular schedule is key though for this will ensure consistency and will keep your muscles working more regularly. Increasing time under tension and working to optimize your full range of motion is vital in that this will work your muscles beyond belief and help you see that progress you want to see most.
Your diet needs to reflect those gains you want to see as well as ensuring the proper intake of protein, carbs, and fat to give you that all important balance of macronutrients so you will operate at full capacity (2). On top of this, a healthy diet will keep you full of those vitamins and minerals needed to thrive on a daily basis so you only see the gains you want most. This will also ensure your health stays at an all-time high. In order to see gains through your diet, without supplements that is, eating clean, whole foods is the key, and unfortunately, that may mean taking away those sweet treats you know and love.
Sleep is vital and putting a priority on this is absolutely imperative. This is the time we can recharge and rest in efforts to tackle the long day ahead. But this is also a time to let our muscles grow and recover (3). Plus, who doesn’t love a good sleep, especially if it is helping you see gains.
Why Not Take Supplements
Supplements can get expensive, so the argument to not take them is valid. With so many options, and each competitor trying to get your support, there are those lower priced options out there but how trustworthy is the product. Using a product with premium ingredients can get expensive and sometimes we just can’t afford to spend a fortune on supplements.
What Quality Supplements Can Do For Your Bodybuilding Gains
However, if you buy quality supplements, these have the ability to take your gains to new heights. Packed with only the best ingredients, what you will find is these are certainly helpful in seeing gains. While it is possible to go without, why put yourself through that? Let’s break down a few of these so we know exactly the kind of benefits you will get.
If you take something like a protein powder, this will pump you with that all important protein so you see those gains you want most. Helping with muscle growth, recovery, and weight loss, this is a great supplement to take. Pre-workouts will help with those energy boosts and for those struggling to kickstart a workout, why not rely on this product to keep you energized and focused? Then there’s a multivitamin. Those vitamins and minerals you may be missing are covered with this trusty supplement able to help improve your overall health and wellness.
Wrap Up
While it is possible to see bodybuilding gains without supplements, why put yourself through that? Sure, they can get expensive, but it is possible to find quality products at an affordable price, it just takes knowing where to look. Ultimately, supplements have potential to let those gains soar, so you see the best outcomes possible for your training and performance. Don’t let your gains suffer and check out some awesome products today.
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*Images courtesy of Envato
- Westcott, W. (2012). “Resistance training is medicine: effects of strength training on health”. (source)
- Lambert, C.; et al. (2004). “Macronutrient considerations for the sport of bodybuilding”. (source)
- Dattilo, M.; et al. (2011). “Sleep and muscle recovery: endocrinological and molecular basis for a new and promising hypothesis”. (source)