Can You Handle The Wrath Of Frank McGrath’s Workout?

The Wrath of McGrath.
Bodybuilding is all about sacrifice. If you intend on being a pro bodybuilder it means time away from your family and friends, having a strict diet and training method. Essentially what you give to the sport will be what you get out of it. You have to want it bad enough to put up with the suffering that you must endure to see meaningful progress. Everyone has to endure trials and tribulations, but no matter what issues you are faced with it must not push you off the track to greatness. Each workout must be daring and push you not just to the limit but past it.
Frank “The Wrath” McGrath is a true inspiration for any athlete to admire. He’s a man who trains hard in the gym and gives his all in his endeavor to becoming a renowned pro bodybuilder. The Canadian IFBB Pro has faced his fair share of adversity during his career. Not only has he suffered numerous training injuries, including a torn triceps muscle, but McGrath was also involved in a car accident that left him severely injured.
Few men could come back from such a situation and still have the drive to push themselves hard in the gym. But The Wrath only used his dire situation as motivation to get back into pro shape. He didn’t let his injuries hold him back, instead choosing to push himself past his limits and attain an even more impressive form than ever before.
Looking at his training regimen it’s no secret as to why he was able to fight through the pain and anguish he endured to get himself back into exceptional shape. His tough training likely gave him the mental strength to come back from injury and make a return to form. Take a look at the proud Canadian’s training program that made him into the massive, vascular beast that he is today.
Day 1: Chest
Incline Barbell Press | 4 sets x 12-6 reps |
Flat Dumbbell Press | 4 sets x 12-8 reps |
Incline Dumbbell Flyes | 3 sets x 12-8 reps |
Dumbbell Pullovers | 3 sets x 12-10 reps |
Cable Crossovers | 4 sets x 15-12 reps |
Day 2: Back
Wide Grips Chins | 4 sets x 10 reps |
Barbell Rows | 4 sets x 12-6 reps |
T-Bar Rows | 4 sets x 12-8 reps |
Underhand Grip Pulldowns | 3 sets x 12-10 reps |
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Legs
Leg Extensions | 4 sets x 20 reps (warm-up) |
Leg Press | 4 sets x 20-12 reps |
Hack Squats | 4 sets x 15-10 reps |
Lunges | 3 sets x 15-12 reps |
Stiff-legged Deadlifts | 4 sets x 12-8 reps |
Lying Leg Curls | 4 sets x 15-10 reps |
Day 5: Delts
Barbell Military Press | 4 sets x 12-6 reps |
Seated Side DB Lateral Raises | 4 sets x 12-8 reps |
Bent Rear Delt Lateral Raises | 4 sets x 12-10 reps |
Hammer Strength Machine Press | 3 sets x 12-10 reps |
DB Shrugs | 4 sets x 12-8 reps |
Day 6: Arms
Barbell Curls | 4 sets x 12-6 reps |
Alternating Dumbbell Curls | 4 sets x 12-8 reps |
Preacher Machine Curls | 4 sets x 15-10 reps |
Close Grip Bench Press | 4 sets x 15-8 reps |
Skullcrushers | 4 sets x 12-8 reps |
Pushdowns | 4 sets x 15-10 reps |
Day 7: Off
Final Thoughts
At the end of the day, one of the most important things a person can do to prevent plateaus is mix up the variations in their workout. While consistency is important, repeating the same exact workout for months or even years at a time will start to cause frustration when you start seeing less and less results.
This breakdown of Frank McGrath’s workout might be just the shot in the arm you need to start mixing things up, pushing you past your perceived limits, and into a new level of growth and strength.
Does your training program look anything like Frank McGrath’s? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.