Calum Von Moger ‘Finding His Own Place Back in World’ Talks Bodybuilding and Future Plans

Influencer and bodybuilder Calum Von Moger is still finding his footing in life after suffering from a series of setbacks. In a recent YouTube video, Von Moger discussed his late brother Eddie passing away, his thoughts on bodybuilding, and what’s to come next on his journey of self-discovery.
“I’m a fitness influencer, I also used to do a lot of bodybuilding competitions back in the day. I’ve had a lot of setbacks recently but I’m also very well known for my comebacks and this is a part of my story,” Von Moger shared.
Von Moger became an instant sensation in fitness and bodybuilding following his portrayal of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the thrilling docudrama, Bigger. Having displayed a striking resemblance to the legend, fans expected that it was only a matter of time until Von Moger was dominating the bodybuilding stages.
However, on his way to superstardom, he encountered adversity that would derail his career. Last January, Calum slashed the tires of a man’s car in a fit of road rage. The situation escalated after police found several weapons in Von Moger’s vehicle, such as brass knuckles, a tomahawk, and a hunting knife. Even though he admitted to the offense, these troubles were just the tip of the iceberg.
Von Moger had close-call with death when he leaped out of a second-floor window. While he recovered fully, Von Moger was in a coma for six days. He later attended rehab for a drug problem. With time to reflect, the Australian native decided to change his life for the better.
He started posting regular YouTube videos again, where he showcased his training sessions. In March, tragedy struck. His brother, Eddie Von Moger, had gone missing and was later found dead off the coast of an Australian beach. Von Moger is still in a state of mourning but hopes to embark on a new journey in life. In his latest endeavor, he updated fans on his mental outlook, struggles, and plans for the future.
Calum Von Moger on Future: “I’m Not Really Worried About My Fitness Goals or Ambitions Anymore”
The 32-year-old said he’s still trying to wrap his head around the sudden loss of his brother.
“The biggest adversities that I’ve had to face this year have certainly been losing my little brother Eddie. That was and still is the toughest thing that I’ve had to deal with. It came really suddenly and unexpectedly and it’s something I’m still trying to process. It’s not easy. It’s not something I’ve ever experienced before having lost someone.”
It’s been a difficult year for Von Moger, and he’s unsure what the future holds for him.
“That and also finding my own place back in the world, back online, social media. I’m having to work on getting a lot of self-confidence in myself again, accepting who I am today and what my goals and future are going to look like. This is something that I’m discovering as I go along. I just hope that in time that it’s going to reveal itself to me. I’ve got to have faith.”
“It’s been really hard. I won’t lie. It’s been really hard. I’ve struggled a lot with depression following the events of this year and yeah, I’ve found myself in like a lot of times of weakness and vulnerability, and just a lot of times where I’m by myself and just asking what am I doing, what’s my purpose, what am I here for? Where are things going to lead to next for me?
Yeah, it’s hard because it’s something that I have to figure out on my own I feel. It’s not something that you know… feels like Im in a jungle and I’ve got a machete and I have to hack my way through all these obstacles and there’s no clear path. It’s not like this is the way out, I have to make my way out and find a way through it all. That’s the struggle and the difficult part.”
Looking back on bodybuilding, Calum said the sport influenced the way in which he judged himself and his appearance.
“Bodybuilding is a very how do you say – it’s a very critical sport, a very judgmental sport and I am hyper-judgmental of myself. If I’m not confident in myself and my appearance, it’s hard to share yourself with others and be open and stuff.”
His future plans involve growing a number of business ventures.
“Right now, I’m working on myself as well as getting back online and working with these companies. Boxed Up, Young LA, my own brand, I’m hoping to find yeah stability and I want to find myself in a place where I’m comfortable and I can work.”
Additionally, Von Moger intends to reconnect with his son. In 2020, Von Moger was accused of keeping this child a secret. He later set the record straight and confirmed the child was his.
“I’m thinking that also something I haven’t touched on. I do have a son, a three-year-old son, who I haven’t been able to be in his life very much. That plays in my mind a lot now. He’s in California. I think that I’m thinking it would be good for me to be closer to him and be and it would be nicer to be closer to him and see him regularly and be in his life.”
“I think that would help me find my purpose again, in life as well,” Von Moger added. “I used to always focus everything on me and what am I doing, what are my goals, my ambitions, but that focus has really shifted. I’m not really too worried about my fitness goals or ambitions or my appearance anymore. I’ve accepted that I am how I am.”
Lastly, Von Moger talked about the scars on his arm, which he presumably received after jumping out of the two-story window.
“I have these scars, I have 87-something stitches in this arm. So I’m changed and I’m still accepting this who I am today. I know that I’m not going to be who I once was but it doesn’t matter . I don’t have to be that, I’ve already been it.”
This wasn’t the first update from Calum regarding family matters. In April, the fitness star opened up in an emotional interview about his brother’s death. Von Moger explained that his mind is constantly elsewhere and was thankful for fans at the 2023 Arnold Classix Expo who were considerate of his feelings.
Calum looks to be done with bodybuilding, but his love for training continues to draw him to the gym. Despite an uncertain future, Von Moger appears to be in a more tranquil state considering the events he’s endured lately.
RELATED: Calum von Moger Issues Statement Regarding Recent Troubles: “I’m Sick of Fake People. Period.”