Brett Wilkin Eyes Top 10 Olympia Debut, Nick Walker Reveals Plans to Downsize Post-Retirement

American bodybuilder Brett Wilkin is one of the fastest-rising stars in the IFBB Pro League. In a recent appearance on The Mutant and The Mouth, Wilkin shared his ambitions for his maiden Olympia appearance. Fellow competitor Nick Walker opened up about his plans to downsize after retirement and Guy Cisternino revealed the truth behind understanding calcium scores.
Brett Wilkin started out in the Classic Physique division in the early days of his career under the NPC. He earned his IFBB Pro Card as a Classic Physique competitor after a win at the 2018 NPC Junior Nationals. However, he chose to switch to the Men’s 212 class for his Pro debut at the 2019 IFBB Puerto Rico Pro. Then, he made his way to the 2019 Toronto Pro Supershow to make his second and final appearance in the 212 category.
Following the underwhelming performances, Wilkin took to the sidelines and worked hard in the training room to level up his physique. After a two-year hiatus, he returned and switched divisions to make a splash in the Men’s Open group. The decision worked wonders for him as he narrowly missed out on the top prize to Hunter Labrada and placed runner-up at the 2021 Chicago Pro.
Wilkin kicked off his run with a sixth-place finish at the 2022 Arnold Sports Festival. He gave fans a look into his gigantic 6,000-calorie diet and supplement stack he utilized to pack on the pounds in the off-season last August.
‘The Butcher’ joined forces with Shaun Clarida for an intense push-day workout in Aug. 2022. He followed that up by partnering with rising sensation Nick Walker for a fierce lower-body training session where they targeted quads weeks later.
Although Brett Wilkin did not earn an invite for the 2022 Mr. Olympia, he continued to work his way up the ranks. He laid out the 4,000-calorie diet he was using to get ready for his next appearance. Then, he collaborated with Hunter Labarda for a sleeve-busting arm workout to get ready for their guest-posing appearance at the 2022 Colorado Cup.
Wilkin amped up his training with a challenging shoulder workout in preparation for earning an invite to the Olympia last October. His hard work paid off as he turned heads with his impressive physique at the 2022 Romania Muscle Fest Pro, where he scored the silver medal. Wilkin finally secured his place in the lineup for the 2023 Mr. Olympia by defeating the competition at the 2022 Bigman Weekend Pro.
Brett Wilkin Shares Positive Update, Says He Never Eats More than 8oz of Protein per Meal
In a recent YouTube video, Brett Wilkin and Nick Walker agreed on their preferred host city for Mr. Olympia contests.
Walker said, “I like Vegas. Now that I’ve done both, Florida and Vegas, I prefer Vegas.”
Wilkin shared positive updates about his health as he gets back to training full force. He revealed he limits protein to 8 oz per meal and detailed his cheat meal philosophy.
“I took the whole week off and now I actually, my body feels good,” said Wilkin. “I went back to the gym today first time. Now going to start doing another push into July and then going down from there.”
“I still do [dirty shakes] just to keep the calories high. It’s not really that dirty. I’m not hungry in the morning even after I do cardio in the morning and stuff. I do a shake in the morning I’ll do like 130 grams of quick oats, 150 grams of blueberries, 35 grams of almond butter, protein powder, water, and then literally just a couple squirts of chocolate to give it more taste. Then the rest of the day is whole foods.”
“I’ve never gone higher than 8 oz of a protein, meats is the highest I’ll go. Just because like my body starts rejecting the protein part of it. So, what I’ll adjust always in the off-season is protein usually stays the same as prep and then I’ll just adjust carbs and fats, just increase those, more so carbs.”
“I’ve never done the cheat day thing. I can’t be somebody that eats like 15,000 calories a day. I would hate that. What I do is I’ll end up having like three or four cheats a week so I just do them on my legs day or my back day. That’s usually like just get Five Guys or some Mexican or something. It’s just I have to stay in caloric surplus.”
Brett Wilkin highlighted the importance of working around the risk of getting injured.
“We also gotta look at injury prevention, not being an idiot, keeping the weight at the point so we can continue to do this week to week because that’s an easy way to shut down the career fast. We’re not Superman anymore.”
Guy Cisternino shares how to understand calcium scores & talks running with Nick Walker
Guy Cisternino shared the truth behind understanding calcium scores properly. He claimed the scores are not a concrete method of predicting issues and explained how the process worked.
“It’s so crazy how the calcium scores go up and down based on… it’s all genetic because I asked my doctor flat out. I’m like doc, listen, is there anything that I’m taking that’s causing the calcium to possibly like, this to happen with bodybuilding drugs and he goes no. He goes, it’s genetic. I asked him if there’s anything I took bodybuilding wise that affected my calcium score, he said no. And I went to two different doctors. Calcium score is not covered under insurance because it’s not a very well-known test. There’s not a lot of research done, it’s a newer test, and they don’t know a lot about it.
“The analogy the doctor gave me, he goes, the problem with the calcium score is we don’t know if the straw is up or down, meaning you could have calcium building up an artery wall but trickling down the side and it could never cause a blockage. Or you could have calcium building straight up that actually is causing a blockage but there’s no real way to tell. That’s the problem. So, the calcium score or the number doesn’t really give any significance.”
Nick Walker revealed his plans to stay around 220 pounds post-retirement. Cisternino recommended he downsize, especially the lower body, to make running easier.
Walker said, “I would like to get more active when I retire.”
“I started running for about three weeks,” replied Cisternino. “I was following a running program, just running a little bit every day. The amount of weight I was dropping just running was f**king absurd. I couldn’t keep weight on just running like intervals in the morning. The weight was flying off me it’s insane. Not only that, trying to run [with big legs] sucks. You’re going to have to downsize a lot if you want to run, run.”
“I’d like to be 220 (pounds),” said Walker. “That would be my goal weight.”
Wilkin targets top 10 finish in Olympia debut
Brett Wilkin expects to go up against a stacked lineup in his first Mr. Olympia appearance and would be content with a top-10 placing.
“Being around long enough now that I’ve learned you also gotta pay your dues man,” said Wilkin. “I can name two guys, probably a few more out there, but I can name two guys that are ever top five in their first Olympia, that’s Phil Heath and Nick Walker recently. It’s one of those things that I got to be realistic and think about last year, Andrew Jacked got what, eighth or ninth place in his first Olympia, things like that. You gotta work your way up. I’m going to prepare. I’m just excited to complete again, go through the diet and then this lineup’s going to be crazy. I don’t think people realize. Last year was what I think 28 to 30 guys. This year there’s only going to be 16 or 17 guys. Think about the shows ahead of us, Chicago, Tampa, Texas, these are going to be stacked. It’s going to be a battle. There’s going to be a lot of guys missing out.”
“I would love to get into the top ten that would be a huge goal for this lineup, first Olympia. I’m not going to be disappointed either way,” continued Wilkin. “It’s just about I need to make a footprint where judges are like oh sh*t, he brought it. And I gotta build from that. First year is about making that footprint, showing that I’m serious, and then I gotta build from that.”
Brett Wilkin collaborated with reigning four-time Classic Physique Olympia champion Chris Bumstead for a grueling leg workout two months ago. He followed that up by smashing a heavy back workout with renowned coach Joe Bennett last month.
You can watch the full video below.
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