Brandon Curry Shows Improved Leg Development 4 Weeks Out

Brandon Curry shows impressive leg development.
Brandon Curry shows some pretty impressive leg development 4 weeks out from the Arnold Classic. The former Olympia champion recently dropped a video showing off his much improved wheels.
It appears that the 2019 Olympia champion is looking to show that he’s still top flight competition. Brandon Curry has always been an impressive competitor and athlete, yet it seems some people have have forgotten. Big Ramy’s victories at the 2020 and 2022 Olympia have solidified him as the man to beat in bodybuilding. But not too long ago that honor belonged to Curry. Now he’s hoping to remind everyone who he is at the Arnold Classic.
Brandon Curry has been hard at work prepping for his return to the stage. It’s obvious that in order to topple Big Ramy, Curry will have to make some adjustments to his physique. While putting on muscle isn’t the only key to defeating the reigning Olympia champion, it can’t hurt for Ramy to add some mass on his frame. From his recent Instagram post it appears that Curry has taken that notion to heart.
Improved Leg Development
I’m his most recent post Brandon Curry showcased his physique while in camp for the Arnold Classic. While the exact date of the video has yet to be confirmed, Curry clarified that it was indeed taken during his prep for the upcoming mega event in March. From what can be seen in the video post Curry has done well to improve upon his leg development.
Alright alright…I won’t say exactly when this video was from, but I will say that it’s from this prep. When this video was taken it was on an empty stomach post morning cardio so I was flat. ?
@arnoldsports I’LL BE BACK
Brandon Curry isn’t going anywhere and he still has great potential for improvement. Could he be a favorite to win the 2022 Arnold Classic?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.