Anabolic Androgenic SteroidsBodybuilderBodybuildingDeadliftJoe MackeyMMA NewsNewsPowerlifting

Bodybuilder Joe Mackey Scores 800-lb (362.9-kg) Raw Deadlift For Four-Rep PR

In bodybuilding, the emphasis is placed on developing an aesthetically pleasing physique rather than pure strength, which is not a top priority for most athletes in the sport. However, Joe Mackey is one of those who make a deliberate effort to get the best of both worlds. Boasting a humongous physique, with especially impressive arms, Joe also ranks among the strongest humans to walk the earth. He is not a stranger to impressive feats of strength, with the majority of his notable displays coming on the deadlift. This was the case once again, as Joe shared his newest four-rep PR on Instagram. After loading 800 pounds (362.9 kilograms) on the barbell, Joe Mackey got into position and completed four swift reps with ease.

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As per usual, Joe Mackey only used a lifting belt and lifting straps to complete the humongous set. He is also sticking to a conventional stance, which has proven to be his prowess over the years.

“800 lbs flew tonight, the time was a 1.1 second rep”

Watch Joe Mackey’s here:

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Joe Mackey’s deadlift abilities have always been mind-blowing, especially among bodybuilders. It seems that no one in the history of bodybuilding has ever deadlifted as much as him, having locked out 910 pounds (412.7 kilograms) in January. However, Joe is aiming to become the first bodybuilder to deadlift 1,000 pounds (453.6 kilograms) as well.

In order to achieve the mind-blowing 1,000-pound (453.6-kilogram) deadlift, Joe Mackey sought help from fellow strength and bodybuilding enthusiast, Larry Wheels. With Wheels guiding him through the process, Joe Mackey hopes to shatter all limits. He has already shown improvement with this 800-pound (362.9-kilogram) four-rep PR, but there will be more to come.

Despite dedicating a lot of time towards improving his deadlifting abilities over the course of the past year, Joe Mackey has not neglected his bodybuilding career either. He put up two impressive performances at the end of 2022. The first one was a fifth-place finish at the 2022 IFBB Tampa Pro, with a ninth-place finish at the 2022 IFBB Texas Pro as well.

Related: Bodybuilder Joe Mackey Shows Off Insanely Shredded Physique Ahead Of 2022 IFBB Tampa & Texas Pro

Joe Mackey is doing everything in his power to get closer to four digits on the deadlift. He keeps a strict diet, with occasional massive cheat meals. In addition, Joe pushes his boundaries on other exercises. One of those is the Hack Squat, having recently performed five reps with 449 kilograms (990 pounds).

It is currently not clear when Joe Mackey will compete again or if he plans on attempting a new deadlift PR anytime soon. Nevertheless, it is apparent that he is making good progress toward his goal. Therefore, any goals he may have are certainly achievable.

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