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Bobby Thompson Smashes American Log Press Record with 478.5Lbs Lift


Bobby Thompson shatters the American log press record.

If a strongman competitor isn’t breaking records then they’re doing their job wrong. Strongman competitor Bobby Thompson smashed the American log press record over the weekend. The record that was set by Rob Kearney has now been surpassed by Thompson with a 478.5lb lift.

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Looking to earn a name for himself on the strongman circuit, Bobby Thompson has steadily worked his way up through the ranks. After winning the 2019 Arnold Amateur world title, Thompson would earn the right to compete at the 2020 Arnold Strongman Classic. Thompson would take 10th place at the show and earn a ton of great experience. He would use that experience to bolster his performance at the 2020 World’s Strongest Man.

It appears that those competitions paid great dividends for Bobby Thompson. Acquitting himself well at two major shows on the world stage is no small feat. Thompson has now garnered the respect of both fans and peers as he continues his strongman journey. The next step on his journey has led Bobby Thompson to shattering the American log press record.

Breaking The Record

Bobby Thompson hit a 478.5lb press. The strongman talked about shattering the record in the Instagram post below.

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As you ascend to elite level in any sport the number of those around you will sky rocket, but the numbers of those who know you will be limited to who was there before you were anyone to be known in the first place , today I did something unique, something i was told I couldn’t do with a torn bicep never repaired, something that just wasn’t going to happen. But..I did it , I did it around my family, not just my blood but the kind of family who knows just how insane you have to be to live for these feats….

My name is Bobby Thompson The American nightmare And I have the strongest shoulders in America.

P.S Thanks Rob for everything. @worlds_strongest_gay

Bobby Thompson is cementing himself as a strongman to watch in the coming years. At 28 years old and with plenty of talent and gas in the tank, we could see Thompson further improve as he continues on his journey.

What do you think of Bobby Thompson shattering the log press record?

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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