BACKFIRED! Jake Paul Releases Sparring Footage With Hasim Rahman Jr.

Did Jake Paul just dunk on himself by releasing Hasim Rahman Jr. sparring footage?
Jake Paul recently released sparring footage between himself and Hasim Rahman Jr. after their scheduled boxing match was canceled. The two had traded barbs leading up to the match up. The talk was generating some buzz ahead of the event. But the bout has since been canceled leaving a sour taste in the mouths of many fans. Now it appears that Paul released the footage to get the point across that he was willing and able to fight Rahman Jr. However, the leaked sparring footage may have left a very different impression.
In recent years Jake Paul has been touting himself as a boxing virtuoso. While he may not have been facing the best competition, he still was able to acquit himself well inside the squared circle. But most of his bouts have been against retired mixed martial artists or competitors who have never stepped foot in a boxing ring before. This raised the question on if Paul was legitimate or not. Many were hoping to get the answer to that question when his latest bout with Tommy Fury was booked. Unfortunately, Fury had to pull out of the bout.
Despite this turn of events, a replacement fighter was picked and given the opportunity to face off against Jake Paul. That fighter was none other than Hasim Rahman Jr., a former sparring partner of Paul and a professional heavyweight boxer.
Leading up to the about Jake Paul and Hasim Rahman Jr. traded some harsh words and tough talk. The fans and media ate it up and it appeared we’d be getting another grudge match to replace the Paul-Fury beef. Most of all we’d get the opportunity to see Paul face a legitimate test in Rahman Jr.
Sparring Footage
Ahead of their clash, talk of a sparring video between the two was addressed several times. Jake Paul insisted that he did well in the sparring while Hasim Rahman Jr. said he was taking it easy on him. Paul has since released the footage on his YouTube channel in hopes of proving his point.
But the move could have just backfired. Take a look at the sparring footage below and judge for yourself.
From what can be gleaned from this footage, it appears that Jake Paul was taking the sparring seriously. Hasim Rahman Jr. on the other hand appeared to be going easy on the YouTube star. This was no full-blooded sparring as Paul suggested. In fact, it backs Rahman Jr. and his claim that he wasn’t going one hundred percent.
While Jake Paul may have thought this a brilliant chess move, it may have just made him look delusional in the eyes of many fans. Hasim Rahman Jr. took his time in the sparring, didn’t punch with full speed or power and ultimately looked as if he was helping Paul out.
This turn of events adds fuel to the fire and may get people excited to see Jake Paul fight Hasim Rahman Jr. at a future date. While that remains to be seen, one thing is indeed certain: releasing this footage may have lowered Paul’s stock and upped Rahman Jr.’s significantly.
What do you think of the sparring footage of Jake Paul and Hasim Rahman Jr.?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.