Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals ‘Unbelievable Turnaround’ in Acting after Bodybuilding: ‘My Liabilities Became Assets’

Legendary bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger is easily the most popular competitor in the history of the sport. The seven-time Mr. Olympia made a name for himself in the film industry too after hanging up his posing trunks. In a recent interview with the Academy Museum, Schwarzenegger revealed the ‘unbelievable turnaround’ he experienced in acting as a bodybuilder in the 80s.
Arnold Schwarzenegger dominated the IFBB Pro League Men’s Open division with his proportionate muscle mass, size, and symmetry. After placing second in his Mr. Olympia debut, Schwarzenegger returned with a vengeance to secure his maiden Sandow trophy at the 1970 Mr. Olympia. After his final win at the 1980 Mr. Olympia, Arnold walked away from the sport with seven titles.
Besides his contest schedule, Schwarzenegger’s popularity skyrocketed after his starring role in the docudrama Pumping Iron (1977). The movie is credited for shining a spotlight on bodybuilding which featured the charismatic Austrian center stage. Following an amazing career, Schwarzenegger explored his passion for acting. He applied the same work ethic he developed as an athlete and became the first certified superstar to have come out of bodybuilding.
Earlier this year, Schwarzenegger reflected on the evolution of his physique over time. The 75-year-old admitted he did not like his body now that he’s in his later years and shut the door on retiring from training anytime soon.
Additionally, ‘The Austrian Oak’ laid out four effective ways to build a custom routine that fits into any schedule. Then, he revealed the two-compound PED (performance-enhancing drug) protocol he utilized at the height of his powers. He listed Dianabol and testosterone as the substances of choice and issued a cautionary message warning against the risks of overusing steroids.
Arnold Schwarzenegger offered two intense circuit workout routines targeting the upper body weeks ago. He also provided insight into his secrets for staying consistent with training sessions and getting results. He followed up with a grip strength test and another circuit workout focused on enhancing longevity.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Details His Start in Bodybuilding & Turning the Sport’s Image Around in the US

In a recent YouTube video, Arnold Schwarzenegger detailed how he got his start in bodybuilding which ultimately led to his arrival in America.
“I realized very quickly as I got into it that bodybuilding was an American sport so I felt like I could be another Steve Reeves, who did the Hercules movie, and Reg Park,” said Schwarzenegger. “They became kind of my idols. I would read everything about those world champions in bodybuilding and follow everything they did. When I read Reg Park was working out five hours a day, lifting heavy weights, doing 50-60 sets of exercise and lifting 50 tons of weights a day, I’d do the same thing.”
Although he thought bodybuilding was a huge sport in the US, he soon found out it wasn’t.
“When I came to America I thought bodybuilding is very popular in America, it’s an American sport but in fact it was not. What I read in the magazines that it’s huge, guys getting into movies with bodybuilding, become businessman, successful, and making millions of dollars, none of it was really true. There were some that became successful and got into movies but the reality was that when I walked around in America, people always came up to me and said you must be a wrestler, a football player, lifter or something like that. They did not guess bodybuilding. I realized very quickly I had to put my know how about selling and marketing. I started hiring publicists. I was the first bodybuilder ever to hire a publicist.
“I got on all these shows and talked about what bodybuilding’s all about, to explain what it was. Because the press was writing stupid articles, not because they were vicious but they just didn’t know.”
Schwarzenegger Reveals ‘Unbelievable Turnaround’ in Acting after Bodybuilding
Arnold Schwarzenegger credited Pumping Iron as the turning point in his career.
“Without Pumping Iron, I wouldn’t have been able to be successful in this mission because it really kind of showed the personalities of bodybuilders, the camaraderie, psychology behind it, pose off and compete against each other.”
He shared how he was told by industry executives that he would not find success because of his thick German accent and massive build.
“When I started getting tired of bodybuilding competitions and won 13 championships, I wasn’t as excited anymore being on stage and beating all these guys. There must be something else that’s kind of very risky and we have to work hard, something new I could go after, and it was acting. It was going into movies. I remember agents, managers, studio executives always saying to me forget it Arnold. You’re a great bodybuilding champion, we’ll help you start a business or a gym or something but forget about acting. No one has ever made it with a German accent… if you want to be a star, a leading man, that’s impossible. Number two, your body is too big.”
In the end, both points of criticism were proven wrong as they became his biggest assets.
“A few years later, Ed Pressman comes to me and he says I bought the rights for you for Conan the Barbarian. He said finally when I saw Pumping Iron I said to myself that guy could do Conan. He has finally the body that no one has. He has the muscles, he could do Conan. All of a sudden, the director said if we didn’t have Schwarzenegger we would’ve had to build him. A few years ago, I heard it was impossible to get a job with a body like that and now all of a sudden this is the body we need for Conan. This liability was my asset.
“Then comes Jim Cameron for Terminator 1, he said to me you know why this movie’s so successful and why people bought in? It’s because you talk like a machine. Your German accent worked to such an advantage. You talk like a machine, like no one else does. All of a sudden, it’s an asset to have a German accent and talk like me. It’s an asset to have a body like me and all the schmucks in Hollywood were saying you would never get a job, never be a leading man. This was the unbelievable turnaround.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger gave fans a look into his current diet, which is mostly vegan two weeks ago. He revealed he consumes about 80 percent less meat than he used to and detailed his preferred sources for getting protein. He took a trip down memory lane by reminiscing about his famous photo in posing trunks in Munich, Germany a week later.
Schwarzenegger’s story of reaching unparalleled heights in various fields will inspire generations to come given the challenges he faced along the way.
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