A Complete Guide To Testosterone Boosters

Check out everything you need to know about this supplement that helps boost and maintain healthy T levels.
Either for our training or our health, testosterone boosters can offer that subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, boost to aid in our routine. These boosters work to increase performance and raise levels of low testosterone, both things vital to our overall progress as an athlete, or simply a fan of fitness. It should be made clear that testosterone boosters are not steroids, but performance aids used to increased testosterone levels. With the right one, you will see great results that will only better your life.
Testosterone is a vital sex hormone used to aid in muscle growth and development, as well as other important bodily functions. If decreased, it can lead to a number of negative effects on your body which you just don’t simply want or need. For some, natural testosterone boosters and common foods can work to boost testosterone, but a high-quality testosterone booster can work wonders for you and get those levels to where they need to be.
This complete guide to testosterone boosters is what you need to help understand more on what this supplement can do and the best way to progress in your fitness journey for increased gains and optimal health. We’ll cover all the bases when it comes to testosterone boosters so you leave here feeling more comfortable on what to look for and how effective they really are.
What Are Testosterone Boosters?
Testosterone boosters cover a wide range of supplements but what they all have in common is that they work to raise your levels of testosterone. By wide range, all that means is men and their levels are all different and for some, it requires a gentle push in the upward direction. For others, the need for a supplement is a bit more drastic thus requiring something a bit more powerful. All in all, testosterone boosters work to raise your testosterone levels to help with growth and development, performance and a number of bodily functions that keep us moving efficiently (1).
Benefits Of Testosterone Boosters
When it comes to the benefits of testosterone boosters, you won’t want to ignore them. With the ability to really work wonders on many areas of your body, a good T booster can:
Increase strength and muscle growth: Since testosterone improves protein synthesis, you will gain muscle faster, thus translating that into more strength (2).
Burn stored fat for a shredded aesthetic: Combined with exercise, increased testosterone can help shed away unwanted fat by balancing out the levels of testosterone and estrogen. By increasing muscle mass and burning fat, your body composition will change to show that shredded physique.
Boost sex drive: The more testosterone you have, the greater the sex drive as this will increase libido and boost overall sexual function (3).
Improve mood and other cognitive abilities: Since testosterone helps boost energy levels, you will feel less tired and more alert. By increasing oxygen around your body and brain, your mood will improve and you will be sharper with decisions (4).
Key Ingredients
Here are some key ingredients to look for in a testosterone booster. While many companies have their own formulas, these ingredients are vital for an effective formula.
D-Aspartic Acid: This contains two amino acids in aspartic acid and L-aspartate. It will work to release hormones in the brain that can result in testosterone production (5).
Fenugreek: An ancient herb, it is rich in vitamins and minerals and can work to lower bad cholesterol, increase libido, and boost performance.
L-Arginine: Since this becomes nitric oxide in the body, it works to widen blood vessels and with increased blood flow, more nutrients hit your muscles. A great muscle building ingredient, it also encourages fat metabolism (6).
Ginseng: Another well-known herb, ginseng can boost nitric oxide levels and with this increased blood flow, there is a greater chance for the testicles to produce more testosterone.
Vitamin D3: Also known as the sunshine vitamin, this can improve testosterone levels because it is considered to be a bioidentical hormone for testosterone since it is a cholesterol-derived steroid hormone. By combining to receptors easily, it can assist in raising T levels (7).
Safety & Effectiveness
On the whole, testosterone boosters are indeed safe. What matters most with these supplements is the quality and care of each individual company in producing a worthwhile, safe, and effective supplement. Too often do we read a label and see great ingredients only to get to the bottom and realize the whole thing is loaded with unnecessary ingredients. Or worse, those who try and throw in hidden formulas and agendas. You don’t need that and we know it. Always read the label to see further instructions from the company to optimize effectiveness and enjoy taking the next step in bettering yourself.
Featured Testosterone Booster
We wanted to share with you a great testosterone booster that can increase vitality and work to optimize those T levels. We know finding the best supplements can be challenging and we hope to make that choice for you just a bit easier.
Centrapeak is a great testosterone booster to increase vitality for improved physical condition and mental strength. Designed to help testosterone and cognitive wellbeing, this product will increase T levels to boost energy levels, build strength, enhance libido, and increase your confidence. With researched backed and clinically dosed ingredients, Centrapeak offers a unique and effective formula. With 14 total ingredients, Centrapeak works to help you achieve your peak as the best testosterone booster for a blended formula to boost your testosterone levels naturally.
Price: $69.00
Check out our individual review for Centrapeak here!
Check out our list of the Best Testosterone Boosters for more great T boosting supplements!
Wrap Up
When it comes down to it, testosterone boosters are great ways for those with low testosterone to get back on track and really see some great gains. While not all of us suffer from low T, as we age and our bodies start to change, you never know what can happen. Testosterone boosters are perfect for giving us the chance to increase strength, change our body composition, increase our sex drive, and work for better cognitive abilities, but more importantly, impact our overall health in a positive way. With this complete guide, we hope you have more clarity around these beneficial supplements and will look into one today to boost your gains.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Centrapeak and Envato
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