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How Kevin Levrone Trains For A Massive Upper Body


This upper body workout routine from Kevin Levrone will give you that giant upper half.

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Time and time again, we read articles and watch videos of our favorites working out and getting a massive pump. We ask ourselves how we can be like them, look like them, and put up that ungodly amount of weight like they do. The answer may elude us at times, but it really is fairly simple: train like them. Looking to professionals and those we admire for training tips can greatly enhance our gains and they are living proof that these exercise and workout routines work.

Kevin Levrone is a bodybuilding legend and one to really admire for his unique take on training. Like all of our favorite bodybuilders, Levrone has a style that worked well for him during his long career and it may just be the style you can connect to. This upper body workout from Levrone will work your chest, shoulders, biceps, and triceps to give you a well-rounded upper body workout to really boost your gains.

Let’s take a look at this monster workout from Kevin Levrone. With a number of wins under his belt, Levrone knew just what it took to compete with the best under the bright lights of the stage and proved that time and time again. With this workout, you can train like he did and see similar results that you won’t be disappointed with.

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About Kevin Levrone

Kevin Levrone is an American IFBB pro bodybuilder, who after an illustrious bodybuilding career, has shifted his focus to other ventures. As of late, he has acted in several films and is a musician, while also balancing his online training presence and supplement company, bringing great products to the market. Over the course of his long career, Levrone competed in 68 professional contests and is considered to be one of the top bodybuilders of the 1990’s.

He competed in 23 pro shows and at one point held the record for most IFBB professional wins until it was broken by Ronnie Coleman. Levrone never won a Mr. Olympia contest, however, he was a runner-up at a number of them. Through a great career, Levrone left a legacy as being a top bodybuilder who was determined to be as shredded as he could.

Kevin Levrone

Levrone’s Training Routine

When it comes to training, Levrone knows how to get it done. With this workout, you will notice it is a bit higher in sets but lower in reps to really maximize growth but keep you working for a long time. This upper body workout will surely fire up your muscles so you look and feel great. Commit to this workout and start to see those results you want most.

Chest Workout

Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press 4 6
Incline Bench Press 4 8
Peck Deck Fly 4 10

Shoulder Workout

Exercise Sets Reps
Front Alternating Dumbbell Raises 3 10
Side Lateral Raises 3 12
Alternating One Arm Cable Raises 3 10

Triceps Workout

Exercise Sets Reps
Close-Grip Bench Press 4 8
Lying Extension 4 8
Rope Pushdowns 4 10
One-Arm Dumbbell Extension 4 10

Biceps Workout

Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Curl 4 8
Seated Dumbbell Curl 4 10
Cable Curl 4 8
Concentration Curl 4 10

Kevin Levrone

Levrone’s Tips & Advice

Levrone would typically work with higher sets and lower reps to ensure he could really gain momentum when it came to lifting heavy. Lower reps ensure you can get one to three reps out of some massive weight and the higher sets allowed for more rest time in between while also getting good work done. Form was everything, especially as he started really getting to those bigger weights and he took technique as half the battle. Sloppy form can lead to that unwanted injury, or at the very least pain, that we just don’t want or need, especially while we’re grinding in the gym. His commitment to being great forced him to workout the right way and that is a helpful tip for many of us as we seek to shred and get that desired physique.

Featured Supplement

While Levrone uses his own supplements of choice, we wanted to share a great intra-workout supplement with you. Supplements have the power to enhance our gains and a good supplementation should not go unnoticed. Whether it be a protein powder, pre-workout, fat burner, testosterone booster, or a host of others, look to give yourself the edge when it comes to training and performance with a great supplement.

This intra-workout supplement from Enhanced Labs is worth checking out for it can boost your gains, help with overall training and recovery, and give you results you want most.

Enhanced Anabolic IV


Enhanced Labs Anabolic IV is a great BCAA supplement for those serious about muscle gains. Providing everything you need from a muscle-building and recovery supplement, Anabolic IV ensures you get all of those critical BCAAs as well as additional essential amino acids. Other great benefits of Anabolic IV are increasing fat burning, supporting optimal hormone balance, and decreasing fatigue while elevating endurance performance. Packed with 23 highly effective ingredients, this product can promote protein synthesis and decrease fatigue to keep your workouts as ferocious as they need to be to see great gains.

Price: $54.99

Try Enhanced Anabolic IV Here

Wrap Up

This upper body workout routine from former pro bodybuilder Kevin Levrone will surely fire up those muscles to grow. Everyone wants that beastly upper body and Levrone’s style of higher sets and lower reps can really help get you there, especially for those looking to put up massive weight. Once a real contender in the pro bodybuilding circuit, Levrone continues his legacy with an online presence as he seeks to pass on his knowledge to his next wave of Olympia hopefuls. Give this workout a try and really see what this can do for your upper half gains today, for we all know you will love the outcome.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

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