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Roelly Winklaar Looks Massive in Recent Guest Posing


Roelly Winklaar showed off his massive physique at recent guest posing.

One of the most massive bodybuilders in the game today, Roelly Winklaar cuts an impressive frame on stage. He has the kind of size and musculature that places him at the top percentile of bodybuilders. Missing in action for quite some time, Roelly Winklaar made his return to the stage at a recent guest posing to the enjoyment of many hardcore bodybuilding fans.

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When Winklaar was unable to to step on stage at the 2020 Olympia, many were greatly disappointed. His preparation appeared to be going extremely well and many believed he would have impressed at the 2020 show. With Big Ramy winning the show, it became apparent that anything is possible. Who knows, perhaps Winklaar would have been able to break the top 3 at the show. But we’ll never know.

What we do know now is that Roelly Winklaar is back and is looking as massive as ever. The veteran bodybuilder showcased a truly impressive frame at his recent guest posing at the 2021 Emerald Cup.

Return to the Stage

Taking place at the Meydenbauer Center in Washington, the Emerald Cup saw NPC competitors take to the stage to show off their hard earned gains. At the show Roelly Winklaar impressed the crowd with his insane physique. A number of onlookers were able to capture his posing from multiple different angles.

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He is another post highlighting Roelly Winklaar taking to the stage.

What do you think of the current physique of Roelly Winklaar?

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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