Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

4 Reasons Why You Should NOT Shred This Summer


Why Shedding Weight Is A Bad Idea

Since the summer is right around the corner, you’ll see many gym bros training to shed the extra kilos. Contrary to the popular belief, a change in season doesn’t call for jumping on the treadmill.

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For some people losing weight isn’t the best idea, and they should avoid it no matter what the people around them are saying. In this article, we will go over why you’d be better off maintaining your bulking season weight.

Most People Don’t Know How To Do It

The problem with losing weight is that most people don’t know how to do it and end up causing themselves more harm than good. It’s no secret that cutting back on your diet helps in losing weight.

In hopes of achieving more in less time, most people end up cutting out an unhealthy number of calories. Your weight loss program should follow a linear curve or you’ll end up losing your muscle mass or might become skinny-fat.

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If you don’t know how to design a diet, consulting a professional with a track record can save you a lot of time, effort and money. Also, make sure to stay away from generic diets on the internet. No two people can follow the same diet and expect to see results.

It Impacts the Immune System

When you lose weight too quickly, your immune system takes a beating. If you want to shed the winter weight, you should up your immune health by adding a healthy dose of micronutrients to your diet.

Long cardio sessions are a common phenomenon among people who want to lose excess body fat. High-intensity workouts are infamous for hampering your central nervous system (CNS).

The CNS consists of two parts – the brain and the spinal cord. It controls most functions of the body and mind. If you didn’t already know, this is the reason why you feel mentally and physically exhausted after a HIIT workout.

Hampers Muscle Maturity

One of the biggest mistakes bodybuilding noobs make is that they start shredding as soon as they gain a few pounds. If your goal is to add on muscle mass in the long run, the extra kilos are your friend.

Building a ‘golden-era’ physique is much harder if you’re skinny. You’re in a much better place for gaining muscle separation, definition and striation if you have meat on your bones.

You’ll Fade

If weight loss is not done correctly, hair loss, acne, deteriorating nails, insomnia, and diarrhea are not rare side effects. Unhealthy weight loss can also affect menstrual cycles and cause skin sagging in older individuals.

You probably know someone who lost their glow along with their weight. You could escape all these side effects by following a well-planned training approach and not jumping onto the ‘summer-shred’ bandwagon. We recommend maintaining the same conditioning throughout the year rather than putting your body under severe stress every six months.

Do you usually shred for the summer? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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