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2021 CrossFit Open Workout 21.3: Sibling Rivalry Announced (Live Updates)

The final workout of the 2021 CrossFit Open season was revealed today, with the announcement of the 21.3. This is a recap of the announcement, and a breakdown of the workout.

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Things were quite different between the 2021 CrossFit Open and the Open from previous years. The most notable difference comes from the fact that this season is much shorter than years past.

Consisting of just three workouts, the Open has been fast paced and full of exciting action. The 21.1 was billed Engine vs. Skill, while the 21.2 pitted Youth vs Experience, with each of these workouts being an exciting but tough test of physical skill.

Related: How To Watch: CrossFit Open 21.3 Workout Announcement Live

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The Open season concludes with the 21.3, which was revealed today through an announcement on the CrossFit Games YouTube channel. This final workout was dubbed “Sibling Rivalry,” as brothers Scott, Saxon, and Spencer Panchik faced off following the announcement of the workout.

Posting to YouTube and Facebook, the folks at CrossFit revealed the workouts for the final portion of the Open, broadcast from the CrossFit Home Office in Scotts Valley, CA. Below is that workout, and a recap of the announcement.

CrossFit Open 21.3 Workout Announcement

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(Scored for time, 15-minute time cap)

  • 15 Front Squats
  • 30 Toe-To-Bars
  • 15 Thrusters
  • Forced 1-minute Rest
  • 15 Front Squats
  • 30 Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups
  • 15 Thrusters
  • Force 1-minute Rest
  • 15 Front Squats
  • 30 Bar Musle-Ups
  • 15 Thrusters

Weight: 95lb men, 65lb women

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Announcement and Event Recap

With the announcement of the CrossFit Open 21.3 revealed, three athletes faced off to complete the workout. This time was a unique experience, as the three Panchik brothers competed against each other, to get the best score from the workout.

Athletes will have until the end of next week to complete the CrossFit Open 21.3 workout, and submit their results. From here, we will officially know which athletes qualified for the 2021 NOBULL CrossFit Games.


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