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Joseph Baena Shares Shoulder and Arm Workout, Classic Posing


Joseph Baena is mastering the art of old school bodybuilding like his father before him.

Joseph Baena continues to showcase his passion for bodybuilding sharing a recent shoulder and arm workout. The young progeny of Arnold Schwarzenegger also showed off some classic posing in another recent update.

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Joseph Baena, the son of the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger, is showing some impressive gains in the gym. Baena, who is also interested in acting just like his father before him, continues to showcase his love and dedication for bodybuilding In recent Instagram posts.

Genetics play a major role in whether an athlete can excel in bodybuilding. In the case of Joseph Baena, he has many of his father’s positive physical attributes. With a ways to go before looking like a spitting image of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his heyday, Baena does show the kind of dedication and passion to bodybuilding like his father before him.

While Joseph Baena may not be anywhere near the size of the modern day Open bodybuilder, he does showcase some promise. Every gym training session that he releases, it harkens back to the days of the Golden era. Baena is the spitting image of his father back in his youth. The young fitness enthusiast and actor also showed potential interest in competing in the Classic Physique division. While he would still need to gain a tremendous amount of muscle mass in order to be a top level threat, Baena does show adequate ability.

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Thursdays are for classic poses and classic song

Embracing The Grind

In a recent post to his Instagram, Joseph Baena showcased a shoulder and arm day workout worthy of the Schwarzenegger lineage. In the clip, Bana is seen doing overhead presses, working his triceps and biceps, and having some genuine fun building muscle.

Shoulders and arms workout for the books!

It’s clear that Joseph Baena has a passion for bodybuilding training. Whether or not that will translate into actual competition experience is yet to be seen. However, even if he never does jump on a posing stage, Baena is doing his legacy proud just by embracing the grind and training with enthusiasm.

What do you think of these recent updates by Joseph Baena?

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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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