Patrick Moore Reveals Weight Limit For Potential Classic Physique Move

Patrick Moore shares his weight limit for Classic Physique.
Patrick Moore just revealed the weight limit for his potential move to the Classic Physique division. The weight limit criteria is tied to a competitors height.
Change can be a great thing indeed. With that change comes criteria. In order to bring about change it obviously means committing yourself to doing things differently all for the sake of growth.
It appears that Patrick Moore knows what weight he’d have to weigh for his potential Classic Physique move. Apparently it appears that Moore would have to weigh in at no more than 215lbs. Because of his height, 5’10” – 5’11”, Moore would be in the up to and including 215lbs.
According to a recent story on Instagram, Patrick Moore revealed not only what weight limit he’d operate under, but how close he was to that limit just a couple years ago. Moore revealed that he was only 9lbs shy of the Classic Physique weight limit at the 2019 California Pro.
While the move has yet to be confirmed it seems more and more likely that Patrick Moore is going to switch divisions. Firstly it just seems like the smart idea to do. While Moore has been competitive in the Men’s Open bodybuilding division, he hasn’t been able to crack the top five at the Olympia. While he is certainly capable of doing so there’s really nothing wrong with getting a different look. It could be exactly what Moore needs to pump some new life into his career.
As the Instagram story shows above it’s clear that Patrick Moore can make the weight for the Classic Physique division. Being just 9lbs away is a good enough indicator that Moore has what it takes to make the weight. Seeing him drop that extra weight, particularly in fat and water weight, we could see an even more shredded, more dynamic Patrick Moore than we’ve ever seen step on stage.
This is chess, not checkers…..IFYKYK
Clearly Patrick Moore has the kind of potential that could see him challenge Chris Bumstead and the others at the top of the division.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.