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THIS STEROID Causes Blood Clots! #askDave

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2:10 – I’ve been experimenting with higher volume, and felt exhausted feeling like I need to take a nap in the middle of the day. also mentally drained during the day, is this a sign of overtraining?
6:04 – What would be a good cutting/Summer cycle for a non-competitor? Would I do a modified pre contest cycle? Or something close to it?
9:04 – TITAN MEDICAL SALE – 10% off muscle building formulas at
11:01 – Does EQ turn your blood into cement?
13:45 – If I’m a poor converter of testosterone to dehydrotestosterone. What would be some of the safe compounds to use? Would tren be good in this situation?
17:50 – Was the 90’s era bodybuilders king because they stayed off GH till later in their career and allowed for muscle maturity?
22:25 – Been on a binge of Mike Mentzer videos. As a natural lifter, his philosophy of muscle growth and the process is very eye opening. Dave, what is your take on HIT? Also, did you know Mike? Any stories or takes on him?
25:49 – What are your thoughts on on managing electrolytes. How does one gauge the proper amounts and what exactly to take?
29:07 – Hairloss on trt and finasteride dosing. Do you feel 1mg every other day is generally enough to stop dht while on trt? How much of a potential negative impact on hypertrophy would take place if you increased finasteride in conjunction with an increase in testosterone administration for times when you’re blasting?
31:31 – Best exercises for lower abs.


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