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7 Changes Everyone Should Make To Their Training Programs – Today


7 Changes Everyone Should Make To Their Training Programs - Today

Changes You Need To Make Your Workout Plan Today

Believing that their training program is foolproof is one of the biggest reasons why people don’t see the results they have been hoping for. You should constantly be making adjustments to your training program to keep your muscles guessing.

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You could make all these changes at once or a couple of them at regular intervals. If you have hit a plateau or aren’t growing as fast or as big as you would like, you need to make these modifications to your training program.


Intensity includes but is not limited to the number of repetitions. You should constantly change the number of sets, rest times, and weights to shock your muscles into growing. If you don’t break a sweat throughout your workout – you’re doing it wrong.

You have to get outside your comfort zone to see favorable changes in your physique. Sticking to the vanilla training program where you perform 12-8 reps and 3 sets of an exercise isn’t going to get you anywhere.

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Advanced Training Principles

Bringing a new dimension to your workouts by using advanced training principles like super-sets, dropsets, intraset stretching, blood flow restriction (BFR) can take your gains to a new level.

Your muscles grow bigger and stronger when they are put under unfamiliar stress. The advanced training techniques can be the stimuli required to spark new growth. Using some of these techniques correctly requires you to be on an advanced level.

Adding What You’ve Been Avoiding

Almost everyone has something they have been putting off for the longest time. It could be cardio, squats, HIIT circuit training, etc. Making these things a part of your routine can ignite positive change.

Most people tend to avoid certain things because they find them hard. After you add them to your workouts, you might realize that it was all your body needed and you had been avoiding them for a reason.

Rep Speed

Tweaking the rep speed is one of the most underutilized ways of getting the most out of your workouts. There are a million combinations of how you could change the rep speed to constantly shock your muscles.

You can change the amount of time you take on the concentric (upward) and eccentric (downward) movements, and on the pause at the top and bottom of the lift. An example of this would be 5-1-1-2, i.e. five seconds on the eccentric movement, a second’s pause at the bottom, one second on the concentric motion, and a two-second contraction at the top.

Experimenting With A Training Partner

Training with a buddy can increase your input and output. You might be able to lift heavier weights and do more reps with a spotter. You also greatly reduce the chances of an injury while performing compound lifts.

On the flip side, training with a partner isn’t for everyone. If your partner has a big mouth, bad personal hygiene or isn’t an experienced lifter, they can turn into a liability rather than an asset.

Complete Reprograming

Sometimes it’s better to take a complete re-route. If you have been following a bodybuilding program for a long time, you could try doing a CrossFit, strongman or weightlifter’s training routine.

You could also try a new – but proven – workout program like Y3T, DTP, PH3, etc. You’ll have to put in the time to learn about the different training programs and understand which one is the best for you.

Training Time

By training time, we don’t mean the workout duration. If everything else fails, your best bet would be to change the time of the day you hit the gym at. If you previously worked out at 5 pm in the evening, you should experiment with training at 9 am.

Why so? We’re glad you asked. Sometimes your body doesn’t respond to your workouts because your eating and recovery routine doesn’t fit in well with your training time. Spacing your training, diet and recovery programs well is key to a successful transformation.

How often do you make changes to your training program? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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